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    About Abortion Abortion is MURDER! Plain and simple no matter how you slice it. And while we are on the subject, cow slaughter is also MURDER! As long as we live in a slaughterhouse society there will be no justice. With the killing of embryos and cows very bad karma awaits us in this world...
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    Attention All Deaf And/or Hard Of Hearing

    Hello: My name is Wallace. I am looking for someone interested in collaborating with me on a screenplay. I usually write by myself after doing research but since I am not deaf, and the story involves a young deaf woman, I need all the help I can get about ASL and many other things related to the...
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    3 lions guard girl until help arrives...

    All Living Creatures Have Souls Not a blade of grass moves without God's sanction. Even though we may percieve something to be good or evil. No one can know why things happen the way they do but rest assured, there is an eternal witness. Animals, plants, trees, aqautics, everything has a soul...
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    save your relationship

    Don't let them do that Find men who will not abuse you but treat you nice. Be assertive. In this world there is nothing but abuse. We have to combat abuse. Think that you are on a battlefield. In a war you use the best weapons you have. In this case, use your MIND!
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    The Big Question-million Dollar Baby And The Passion

    Hi. They say that movie theatre attendence in America is the lowest it's been in 20 years. Hmm, I wonder why. So the big question is....what does "Million Dollar Baby" and Mel Gibson's "The Passion" have in common? Passion made 400 million and counting, MDB won an academy award? Any takers??
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    How do the people treats you differently?

    This Is The Best Site On The Web Gee, I was doing some research as I'm not deaf but you are alive!!! The hearing world is seriously out to lunch. I'm basically a writer, plays and films and maybe you can read some of my posts here and there. I'm also a Hare Krishna! Ha! Don't want to scare anyone.
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    save your relationship

    Love In This World Is A Preverted Reflection Of Real Love Just like in a desert we see a mirage of water, but it is only an illusion. It's not real, but that doesn't mean there is no REAL water some place else. Right? Therefore, the next big question is...if what we call "love" in this...
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    I'm Not Deaf, But....

    I love the dolphins... Hi. Dolphins are such beautiful creatures. very spiritual. It's horrible to think that they also have been murdered by man. In this respect, read my latest posting. I talk about how we will evolve into a spiritual species and are entering a 10,000 year golden age. yes...
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    I am angry with parents

    This whole material world is an illusion anyway Hi. I'm not deaf but found the postings really interesting. This material world is a problem for everyone, hearing, or not. No one can escape birth, death, diseases and old age. We, as a human species are evolving through "consciousness." There...
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    I'm Not Deaf, But....

    Hi, Kayla Hello: Thanks for the message. I can't think of anything to ask, oh, I was thinking about some stage plays they do at a school for the deaf that fascinated me. Apparently, students perform in the play and then there is a vocal interpreter or something. I was thinking of going sometime...
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    I'm Not Deaf, But....

    Meg: Hi again. yes, I'm very sorry to hear of you father and the scars which you have. I had a somewhat abusive childhood myself. We may not know why things happen "karmically" the wat they do in life. Why some people live and some dies young, why some people are poor and others are rich etc. I...
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    I'm Not Deaf, But....

    Rebelgirl and all others. Thanks! Gee, so nice to hear from you all. Very fascinating. Reading all these different stories is giving me more fodder so to speak, and may even change the dynamic of my play. Writing is a remarkable gift. I started writing when I was 30 years old. I always loved...
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    I'm Not Deaf, But....

    Angel, that's a great picture Thanks for the reply. Yes, there are angels. In Sanskrit the word is "devas". I see, you lost your hearing from age 5. In this play I'm writing, I think I will open with ASL. Do you use that at all? Just curious.
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    I'm Not Deaf, But....

    Hi everyone. I'm a playwright/writer and was embarking on a stage play about a young deaf woman and so was surfing the web looking for info about the world of the deaf. I came across this website, So I'm very curious about all this. But more importantly, apart from writing, and...