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  1. Z

    Conspiracy theorists

  2. Z

    Recent here. Trying to find my way around.

    Good Bottasini. I regret past misunderstandings and will be glad to be friend with you. you proved one precious point for me and that one shd not judge people by appearances. thank you.
  3. Z

    Recent here. Trying to find my way around.

    Dogmom, glad to have you again. May I know why you chose this name?
  4. Z

    Recent here. Trying to find my way around.

    I reviewed your impressive profile, Anij, especially your interest in the fields of Abrahamic religions. It will be interesting to converse with you on this subject sometime.
  5. Z

    Recent here. Trying to find my way around.

    thats scary Phillips. Are you a zeta reticuli too? Bottasini turned out to be a gentle looking fellow after all. nevertheless I dont care if someone talks to me or not, since you brought up the old subject again.
  6. Z

    if someone could help me

    The people on this site have given you valuable advice, but may i share humbly what I know here . maybe it will help. If your daughter had a severe flew with inflamation in the ears when very young, then the estachean tubes had closed and caused the deafness and the noises. If you want further...
  7. Z

    Recent here. Trying to find my way around.

    Greetings to you Dogmom, too.Thank you:ty:
  8. Z

    Recent here. Trying to find my way around.

    I agree with you completely, Anij. twenty years back I should have realized the opportunities present, but due to ignorance I did not do anything . I should have studied something technical such as electronics, but was always afraid of attending classes where I cant hear the teacher. Ignorance...
  9. Z

    Recent here. Trying to find my way around.

    Hope i am replying at the right place or should i blog this post. I dont know... Howevr concerning earlobe electrotherapy. Could be quakery and could be not. Each one has to decide for himself after some research. But in my case, i bought this low frequency therapeutic devise with electrodes...
  10. Z

    Recent here. Trying to find my way around.

    Yes they got rid of william reich and his orgone discovery. Took all his papers and inventions and they kept it for themseves. Just as they did to tusla. And recently many inventions that synthasize water to use it as fuel for cars.
  11. Z

    Recent here. Trying to find my way around.

    Been studying the Edgar Cayce material for more than twenty years, even before the internet became wide spread and know about him more than Wikipedia. So if u think I got my informaion from internet, then you are mistaken. Been applying the said material for a long time and seen excellent...
  12. Z

    Recent here. Trying to find my way around.

    dont know how to answer each one seperately. so i am summing it up here. OMG FEEL UNDER INQUISITION, BUT ALRIGHT I SHALL GO THROUGH THIS TO PROVE MY SINCERETY. IT SEEMS ON INTERNET EVERYONE IS GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. To Rockingrobin: I am not covering my face .it happened to be the only...
  13. Z

    Recent here. Trying to find my way around.

    This method worked for me and when applying it i had to turn down the volume on my hearing aid. Not trying to sell you anything and not trying to impose myself on anybody. it seems i have to be on the defensive. this is merely a method which uses electrotherapy on the ear lobes with special...
  14. Z

    Why are you deaf?

    My hearing loss is both hereditary and due to having ear inflamtion when a child. Started noticing it since high school. Constant hissing since then. hearing detoriorated gradually and is very severe now. Wear hearing aid in one ear but doesnt help much because the conductive loss became also...
  15. Z

    Recent here. Trying to find my way around.

    Now this is appreciated response. I very much like to be part of your discussion as I have few things to share. Gradually lost my hearing. Have now 80% loss and use a hearing aid t get along, but with difficulty. Because of nerve deafness its pretty difficult to socialize and this is the main...
  16. Z

    Recent here. Trying to find my way around.

    to bottesini: I know that not all the members are like you illmannered smart American. Otherwise I would have cancelled my membership right away. I did not come here to have insult from a creep like you hiding before your weird avatar.
  17. Z

    Recent here. Trying to find my way around.

    I am not a creepy stalker. I dont have time for answering such insults. I dont know why you took offence on what I sujjested. My intentions are good. I am surprised at such a rude answer. Is this how you welcome new members?
  18. Z

    Recent here. Trying to find my way around.

    Noticed that there is so much mistrust on this internet . How can one converse with someone who does not have a real picture? It just takes the flavor out of any conversation. I believe there should be two sections: one for those with real pictures and another for anonymous. I also would like to...
  19. Z

    best wishes from Lebanon

    no problem. am finding my way at FAQ. this is what i needed. thanks
  20. Z

    best wishes from Lebanon

    thank u for responding. everything new to me. to start with where do i find list of members and their profiles to contact. then how do i contact them.