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  1. S

    Who is pregnant here....

    I am pregnant!!!!! Well I had forgot I posted here but I found out the day after Father's day that I am pregnant. I am due Feb 28,2006. I have had some problems with spotting on and off but the ultra sound looked good and they plan on doing more to keep an eye on the baby. We can't wait to...
  2. S

    Who is pregnant here....

    Hey maybe you sould wait a day because my husband and my anniversary is Sept 17. We will be married one year!!! My mom's birthday however is Sept 16. We are trying to have a baby but have had no luck yet. I am late right now but I do not want to get my hopes up. Wish you the best!! :ily...
  3. S

    What feature of the SIDEK!CK do you use the most and why?

    Side Kick Well I would like to comment on this. My husband has one of these and he uses it for IM and Relay calls. He also has solitare on it which he is addicted to. Anyway he uses it mostly for communication and it is nice because if he is going to be late from work he can contact me or if...
  4. S

    Introducing myself.

    I have done some studying on Deaf Culture and it is sad how the Deaf were treated and all the crap they went through and still go through. My husband experienced this at one time when he had applied for called and wanted him to call for an interview. Now of course being deaf he had to use the...
  5. S

    Introducing myself.

    Hello!! My name is Kimberly. Sign Language and the deaf have always facinated me. I met my husband a year ago and fell in love with him. I knew no sign language other than part of the alphabet. Even though I did not understand sign language I seemed to understand what he was saying to me. One...