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  1. M

    A little confused and frustrated

    I think you handled it well by making other plans. Your actions said more than you could communicate it, "You have a life and although you are interested in checking US out, your life doesn't stop for him, at least not at this time". If it were me I would be as casual as possible and see how...
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    Hello....From Californ- I - A

    I don't think I've ever met anyone from Iowa. Is is a bit cold for you too right now?
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    Hello....From Californ- I - A

    Thank you for the warm welcome. Well hello to the both of you. Is your wife also a member here? I live right outside Rancho Cucamongo about an hour from Pasadena. One of the things I regret is having never been encouraged to learn ASL when I was younger and I learned more quickly. Thank...
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    Hello....From Californ- I - A

    Well, double friendliness goes along way, thank you Sosie. Massachusetts... visit that area between NH and Boston a few times a year. Hope January weather is good to you this year Sosie.
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    Hello....From Californ- I - A

    Just curious. Where in the USA are you?
  6. M

    manipulation and abuse

    It sounds disturbing. I can't imagine someone doing that. I wish I could offer you some advice. Good luck.
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    Hello, I'm New here...

    Thanks everyone for your response. Let me explain.. It's been a doozey of a year. Anyways, when I saw zero responses and the being an only one with no responses to an intro, I think that really just hit a tender spot. So, thanks for your responses and welcomes. I won't belabor this.. So...
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    Hello....From Californ- I - A

    Your extra friendliness just made everything better. LOL.. Thank you for responding.
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    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    Hello.I've had a Progressive hearing Loss for past 20 yrs... Hello. Hearing Loss has been getting worse and at this point although I wear Hearing aids, it's more for just sound and in quiet places, one on one, for conversations. Am learning ASL and love it, but haven't met anyone as of yet to...
  10. M

    Was I rude?

    Honestly, I just don't think he got it. People who hear have very little understanding of what it is like to NOT be able to hear. For some reason they think that if you can speak you can hear. Anyways, if it were me, and he/she were my friend I would probably give him/her a call and say...
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    ATTN: Those who wants to do interviews/questions/surveys - Please read this FIRST.

    Hello. I just thought I'd maybe add a little more to this topic of interviews and surveys. I am an older student majoring in Communication Disorders with an emphasis in Audiology. I am online student for obvious reasons, I'm old and I'm late-deafened. Communication works better for me...
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    Who got snow?

    Snow in Wrightwood... Sledding was a blast.. :giggle:
  13. M

    What are you thinking about? Part III

    Studying all the material for an Exam on Monday and how I'd rather just relax with the family instead.....
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    What did you learn today?

    I learned that I need to take a break and relax for a semester for my health and sanity..
  15. M

    my mom is struggling with my aunt's death

    I feel for your Mom, it's hard to lose someone and especially someone you were close too. I think your Mom is lucky that she has such a caring daughter who is trying to help her and is looking out for her. You may not see it, but that is a help to her in her grieving. It takes time and I don't...
  16. M

    Hello....From Californ- I - A

    Hello. I'm new here. Introduced myself earlier and had no responses. WOWZA.. The ten people who introduced themselves after me had responses galore. Mine - ZERO responses. Now if that don't make you feel like something isn't right with you. So, I'll give it another try. So.. I'm...
  17. M

    Hello, I'm New here...

    I'm so glad I am here. Life has been a little quiet for me of recent. I have been losing my hearing since I was in an automobile accident years ago and now it's just really bad. I enrolled in an online school program through USU and I love it. I've learned so much about deaf culture, taken a...