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  1. S

    WORLD WAR III Is Just Around the corner

    What we should be worried about is the War Of Armageddon ( which i consider another name for world war 3 ). China is already prepared to initiate military action against anybody who goes against their domestic or foreign policy. Russia & China has surpassed the United States in Military might...
  2. S

    Have You Noticed?...(Part Two)

    Have You Noticed Have you noticed the appalling lack of advanced technological devices and software/hardware for the American Sign Language speaking deaf? Have you noticed Oralism, was created by those who would refuse to allow the deaf to speak American Sign Language? Have you noticed...
  3. S

    I'm Also CODA of both parents, Hearing, Eldest of 7

    Hello everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Oliver Dominguez and I am a CODA of both parents, who lost their hearing while toddlers. I am the eldest of 7 children. We are all hearing, and can fluently speak American Sign Language, even down to the 3 year old. I'm happy...