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  1. B

    Hearing Aid Finally!!!

    Alicia, I read you have been prescribed Starkey. They are the largest HA manufacturer in North America, Siemens is the largest in the world. That information came from my HA professional. He prescribed me with a Starkey Destiny 1200 BTE Digital. Starkey Laboratories, Inc. - Products &...
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    Good Friday Quiz = Do you belive in jesus?

    I believe in Jesus. Read Romans 10:9. No need to stop reading there though, the bible has great instruction for living. Easter is a religious holiday commerating the resurrection of Jesus on third day of his death on earth. Not meaning to be harsh but this is something for you...
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    Favorite Brand of Shoes

    I wore Nike's for about 3 years in college, lots of walking. I was surprised they lasted that long before the tread wore down to nothing, in which case water would enter the shoes. Nike's usually fit my feet better than most other shoes, so in a sense I am partial to that brand.
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    Many leave their hearing aids at home

    This topic sure did take a turn. Guess my fingers should stay away from the keyboard.
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    Many leave their hearing aids at home

    Wear HA's most of the time I have been wearing hearing aids for a little over 20 years. I never went to a special school during my middle and high school or even college education years. I was able to hear enough at the front of the class room along with visits to professors office hours for...
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    What brand of hearing aids do you wear?

    I have been wearing beltone hearing aids for over 20 years. From the age of five to about 14, then I went to a small ITE on the left ear. A ear infection five years later, I switched to more powerful ITE Optima's for both ears. I was dumb when I was a kid, should have went with two hearing...
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    Thanks Everyone, I've been on many a forum but never felt more welcome than here. Cheers!
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    Wal-Mart signifies all that is wrong in America

    I refuse to shop at Wal-mart as well. Wal-mart has a reputation of building big stores in any given area, lowering cost than the local competition. Doing that, most times drives the competition away or out of business. When that does happen, prices in Wal-mart begin to climb back up. I have...
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    Hi Everyone, My name is Brian. I am 25 yr of age, married, and living in Charlotte, NC. I have sensorineural hearing loss since birth, been wearing HAs since I was five. I'm currently wearing only one HA since a nasty infection has ate up a storm in my left ear drum and can't hear a thing...