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  1. F

    Dems are at it again,,,,Boxer :Quote: I'll Call Condi a Liar Again

    I am, if anything, a liberal. I called Clinton a liar when he was in office. I've called Bush a liar since September 11. The difference is, Bush is actively targeting those who are calling him a liar, and calling them traitors. That's not how this country is supposed to work. "You are...
  2. F

    Yahoo! It's a Boy!

    This actually turned out to have been a hoax. The guy who wrote it got fired :D
  3. F

    San Francisco may charge for grocery bags.Another form of tax from liberals.

    I'm going to have to point out that the British monarchy is about as conservative as it gets.
  4. F

    Ip Relay Warning

    I'm glad to see that ScamBuster has posted here. The easiest solution to the scams while retaining the service is registration. For pagers and the like, this is simple. Whatever provider you're using would have it set up when you get it. For general IP relay, it would be slightly more...