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    Another recall for AB

    I've had my AB CI for one year now, and I'm very satisfied with it. It's working fine and the improvement in my ability to hear has exceeded my expectations.
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    Anyone able to enjoy music with their cochlear implant?

    Hi Bethany ... I wear a CI made by Advanced Bionics (latest model ... “aurea” I believe). Implanted in November 2009. I am very happy with the way music is sounding with my CI. Prior to the implant I wore HA’s with minimal benefit, and music wasn’t worth listening to (I have...
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    86 Year Old Bedridden Grandmother Gets Tasered

    I would have thought the relevant question for people on this forum would be: What happens when someone with a cochlear implant gets tasered? I would imagine the outcome would be instant death. Anybody got any info/feedback on this question?
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    Stanford Discovery Could Lead To Cure For Deafness

    I think I'm going to wade into the discussion here .... Using the same kind of logic, I would argue that it would be much easier for a d/hh child to adapt to being fully hearing, than it would be for, say, a middle-aged d/hh adult who has had a hearing impairment from birth ...
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    I suggest trying some Aloe Vera; either use the juice directly from an actual plant, or you can get some aloe vera gel or ointment or such over-the-counter at pretty well any pharmacy. Aloe Vera is well known to promote healing and reduce scarring. Vitamin E works too.
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    Relationships: Compromised Fantasies or Reality?

    Well, I've heard it said that men enter marriage hoping and expecting that their wife will never change, while women enter marriage hoping and expecting that their husband is going to make major changes. In the end, both partners end up being disappointed ...
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    CI Evaluation on monday

    Hey AliciaM ... that is great news! Hopefully you are feeling more "excited" than "nervous," as there is really nothing to be nervous about at this stage. I doubt the evaluation will take the entire day. As I recall from my recent experience, the balance testing and CT scan can indeed...
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    Residual Hearing

    Hmmm, lets see now ... It took almost a year from my initial contact with Sunnybrook to my surgery date. It was early January 2009 when I had my first appointment at Sunnybrook. There were a couple of meetings after that, one for additional hearing tests and another meeting that was...
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    Residual Hearing

    Hi again, EQL .... I had a CI done at Sunnybrook hospital in Toronto in November 2009. From what I can tell, I've lost all the residual hearing on my implanted side (right ear). I'm wondering if they type of implant a person gets is a factor in how much residual hearing one loses or...
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    TTY/Phone, or TTY-only?

    No, sorry, I don't have any information about long-distance rates for other companies. I'm talking land-line here, and my basic service is with Bell, though I am signed on with another carrier for regular-voice long-distance calls. Frankly, now that I have the CI, I don't need to use the TTY...
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    TTY/Phone, or TTY-only?

    Looks like I'm a bit late to the discussion here, but ... I have the Ultratech Uniphone 1140 both at work and at home, and let me say it works fine. It's a great phone because you can use it as a TTY or a normal phone at any time. The biggest drawback to it is that there is no caller...
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    Actual CI users in here please ...

    Heath: I had CI surgery in November 2009 and was out and about like normal within a day or two. It was a day procedure where I was in the actual OR for about 3.5 hours. I stayed overnight in hospital and went home the following morning. I had some minor balance problems for a few days...
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    A CI moment (First phone call)

    Congratulations, Ron! It's great to hear about your ongoing success with your CI. Hope you continue to make good progress on your hearing journey.
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    Can hydration level affect earmold fit?

    Hi evil queen ... That's an interesting theory about hydration levels affecting ear mold fit; there might be something to that. Not sure about the exact nature of your symptoms, but ear molds can often cause skin irritation with redness and discomfort, especially when they are new. In...
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    The road begins to hear once again!!!

    Wow - I'm kind of surprised to hear about your wait time in London, DizzyDon62. I didn't realize people were waiting that long to get a CI. Here in Toronto, I guess my process actually started in late November 2008, when I was referred by my local hospital to the Implant program at Sunnybrook...
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    My CI N5 is now adtivated

    Congratulations on your successful activation, Ron. It's great to read that you are happy with the initial results. It must be fantastic to be hearing voices again for the first time in 17 years! Surely things can only get better going forward. I'm looking forward to reading further updates...
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    Improving Speech (Not born deaf)

    Hello Ron ... I think I can echo what others are saying here, that you will likely be able to hear your own voice pretty good once you CI is activated. No doubt that will go a long way toward correcting any mispronuciations you might have picked-up over the years due to you hearing loss...
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    Greetings - new to the board

    Hi All ... Been a while since I've checked back on this thread, and it's really great to see all the colorful greetings and well-wishes from the alldeaf community. You all really know how to make a guy feel welcome! And a big HELLO back to all my fellow Canadians on the board .... My...
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    CI Activation: initial impressions

    Hi deafdude: In response to your post .... Yes, I am "late-deafened." I'm 53 yr. old now, and started wearing HA's when I was 37 (though I was aware I had some hearing loss well before then). My loss is primarily sensory-neural, and it has been progressive. My mom suffers from hearing...
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    CI Activation: initial impressions

    My AB Harmony implant has been activated for a week now, and it's been quite an experience. I'd like to share some of my observations and impressions I had my surgery on Nov. 17th at Sunnybrook hospital in Toronto, and returned for activation on December 9th. The improvement in my ability...