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  1. S

    Hi All

    I am deaf with profound loss of hearing in both ears. I thought I mentioned that previously, but my bad if I didn't. I do get involved once in a rare while, but like I said, I don't really hang out very much with some deaf people. But that does not mean I don't like hanging out with them. I...
  2. S

    Hi All

    I'm new to I came across this site from another site with a link and became curious enough to check it out. I actually don't remember now where I was surfing from to get here. There are interesting topics here I enjoyed reading and talking about. As for me personally, I am not...
  3. S

    I have problem at job. Any deafies here cashier?

    I used to work as a cashier at Super Target in Nebraska and had no problem dealing with customers and their transactions. There isn't any special skill required to talk to them other than asking them if they will be using cash, check or charge for their purchases. Most of the customers I dealt...
  4. S

    As more toddlers get cochlear implants, they face a strange new world

    I don't think the doctors were stupid to believe in this hogwash that cochlear implants cure deafness regardless of how the children became deaf. I think they were blinded by the medical benefits of cochlear implants to realize that these implants aren't for everybody. They probably were given...
  5. S

    As more toddlers get cochlear implants, they face a strange new world

    Cochlear implants.... I'm not for or against cochlear implants because I believe everybody do deserve a chance to decide if they can benefit from those implants or not. But why do those doctors insist that deafness can be cured with cochlear implants? Surely cochlear implants aren't the only...
  6. S

    V (television series)

    The V series (back in the 80s when they weren't captioned) were far better than the new V series in a lot of ways: - Story depth When I say "story depth", I'm talking about the plot line that becomes better and better toward the end. - Originality The original series had that "Why didn't the...
  7. S

    Last Movie You Watched?

    Watched last night: Orphan Max Payne (Unrated Director's Cut version)
  8. S

    What's the worst movie you've seen?

    The Grudge (2004) - Remake of the original Japanese movie by the same name We watched the Japanese version and liked it better than the American version. I don't think the Mike Myers movies weren't bad compared to the Adam Sandler movies that I've seen with the latest by Adam being the worst...
  9. S

    What Games Have You Completed?

    I have completed a range of: PC games: System Shock 1 System Shock 2 Quake 2 (Single Player) Master of Orion 2 (Started but never finished) A few random PC games I played and forgot Sims 2 Castaway Stories (Completed about 3 or 4 times with different results each) Sims 2 Pet Stories...
  10. S

    Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction

    I encounter those assumptions all the time. All... the... time... They think since I can read, write and speak so well that I'm not deaf, but when I take my hearing aid out, they shut up at least.
  11. S

    Should Deafness/HOH Be Mentioned on Resumes?

    No, I never put "Deaf", "Hard of Hearing" and/or "HoH" on my resume when I apply for a job. Why? Because employers will chuck those resumes out the moment they see one of those three words. They do not have to contact the deaf person applying for the job if the person put one of those...