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  1. P

    Servus from Bavaria!

    :wave: Thank you! "Irgendwas rät mir unverzüglich den Rückzug anzutreten"? :D :hmm: some such thing: "Something advises me to beat retreat/to pull out immediately." I love the quotation. Do you like the duck,too? Thank you! That's cute. :lol: everything's O.K., just the word...
  2. P

    Servus from Bavaria!

    Gonetomars, did you get my pm? Gonetomars, ist meine Nachricht bei dir angekommen?
  3. P

    Deaf Boyfriend versus Hearing Boyfriend...

    you all deafies, who want only with hearies, are right, anyway... -ugh, its hard to describe it in english, but i'll try- To say it universally, love-relationshipes base on ... contrasts of each both like magnet with positive and negative pole, anyway... such as some interests, bright people...
  4. P

    Servus from Bavaria!

    Thank you for welcome-wishes :))
  5. P

    Your First Kiss

    its a funny topic and that :laugh2: the memory of my first lipskiss is very blurred. i can just remember that i was twelve years old, with a girl somewhere in alps, hidding out at feed. and she looks like Heidi, but i dont know if her looking was only a fantasy from me, perhaps to fill the...
  6. P

    Servus from Bavaria!

    Hello fellows! I'm born deaf in Bavaria, Southgermany, and the only one in hearing family, but i communicate in German Sign Language with it at all. I, "darling of fortune", have the lovely mum, who is an interpreter of GSL. :) (How do you write German Sign Language in short form? just DGS...