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  1. P

    Debate over PSE/ASL...

    Wow. I certainly did not intend for all this drama to occur on here. I simply was asking for feedback. However, I did not intend for certain people to become angry. To be very honest, I have more important things to worry about, as should you. Not some post on an internet forum. I...
  2. P

    Debate over PSE/ASL...

    Sealhart, I know you know who this is. But, I want to make it clear, that I was in NO way trying to be defmatory towrds the UCC Sign language program. I just really had my own views and opinions about it, and I wanted feedback from the Deaf Community. I did gain A LOT of confidence in my...
  3. P

    Debate over PSE/ASL...

    Evidence? Uhhh...I had mine transfered? I had no problems :D
  4. P

    Debate over PSE/ASL...

    Students in the past, and the ones graduating had all 5 accepted as a foreign language and the credit was transfered...I have no idea what goes on, that is why I withdrew :D
  5. P

    Debate over PSE/ASL...

    Oh, yes, it is considered a foreign language for students who aren't even in the certificate program. I understand that I will need to know PSE for that just in case interpreting job where PSE is used. I just couldn't stand learning and studying out a dictionary...boooring
  6. P

    Debate over PSE/ASL...

    SUNY Ulster - Course Descriptions SUNY Ulster - Course Descriptions SUNY Ulster - Course Descriptions SUNY Ulster - Course Schedule
  7. P

    Debate over PSE/ASL...

    The courses are labeled as Beginning Sign 1 Beginning Sign 2 Intermediate Sign 1 Intermediate Sign 2 Advanced Conversation Sign Language AND on the college's website it says the course is is Signed English (pidgin sign). When I applied it didn't say what sign system was being...
  8. P

    Debate over PSE/ASL...

    Hello everyone! This is my first post here, and I just want some general feedback or opinions. I am in an interpreting program an at upstate New York community college (Ulster County Community College). It is a certificate program (not by the teachers choice, the college won't hire any more...