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  1. H

    Beginning to feel rather worthless, and not sure how to handle it

    It is a wonderful idea. I just turned 30 and lost my hearing about 3 years ago from a medicine and it has been going down since (80db now / 60 speech discrepancy + brutal tinnitus). I have been through alot of tough times mainly on my own and am learning ways to cope/deal with...
  2. H

    hearing aid phone microphone

    Just bumping this up...
  3. H

    Can't wait for these technologie's to advance

    I will bring it up to my supervisor this week, Im pretty sure they will okay it just worried about know how impatient hearing people can be... :roll: I am getting an older version of Dragon Natural Speak (9) to give it a test run before i go for version 10.. the only thing im...
  4. H

    Can't wait for these technologie's to advance

    Yeah, I will keep you guys updated about my contraption for sure! So how is this Captel Phone? Would really like to give it a try, but not so sure my contractor would allow me since some calls have high security items being discussed. Also how fast is it ,is it around the clock and whats the...
  5. H

    Can't wait for these technologie's to advance

    This is a very great discussion, thanks for starting it Ron! My current job is now demanding more phone / conference calls so I too am looking for some solutions. I am very hard of hearing + bad Tinnitus. What I am thinking to do is Look into a good pair of headphones which can plug into an...
  6. H

    Chess clubs for the deaf and hard of hearing???

    would love to know where i can play for $$