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  1. S

    Str8 Ppl 4 Gay Marriage

    i am str8 and i support gay marriage. if a couple loves each other, they deserve a rite then 2 be together. :applause:
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    How Gay Are You?

    i got 33 % gay
  3. S

    Breastfeeding at 8 years old ???

    This UK woman still breastfeeds her 8 year-old daughter ... Do you find that disturbing? YouTube - 8. Especially since they like to draw what they look like ...
  4. S

    New Drug in Schools: Important to share the information with parents and whoever.

    I know, it's so scary ... So many kids love candy, and if they eat they'll be eating meth, too. What kinda asshole made this crap??? :madfawk:
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    Parents of Children: You must watch this!

    wow, that video is so sad. RIP, poor Kyle. :( and his poor family. y is a senile woman driving anyways?
  6. S

    I'm so sad right now between me and my crush

    i kinda know houw u feel. i saw my crush walking with sum dumb blonde ho... :rl: