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  1. H

    Anyone have Waardenburg Syndrome?

    My grandson has WS. No white forelock, both eyes same color. He is total deaf, no auditory nerve. WS confirmed genetically. Neither of his parents have the WS gene so it must be a mutation in my grandson. He also has some muscular problems. He is only 2.5 years old so we do not yet know...
  2. H

    The lowest form of language

    As a hard of hearing person who can communicate when wearing hearing aids I take great offense to the denigration of ASL as a language. I wonder if those people who denigrate it have ever bothered to learn ASL? ASL is not English. It is a separate language. It is a much more efficient mode...
  3. H

    HELP PLEAZE I have a problem with a maybe deaf neighbor...

    Hard of hearing people often do not realize how loud they are talking or how loud the TV is. If this man lives alone he may be unaware of the disturbance he is making. Perhaps a friendly chat may be inorder to let him know how he is effecting other people.