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  1. J


    your choice From my studies at school, as I am no dr. They say that you have cilia in your coehlea. Little cells that move with sound, these trigger your nerves to carry sound to your brain. If the cilia aren't working properly this can cause the on/ off feeling. sometimes move sometimes...
  2. J


    I found this site from another site or ramdom search. Don't remember. I am trying to make friends with others that have somethings in common. I am from Vancouver. I am hard of hearing, use speach and ASL. I ma in School taking Deaf Culture, and learning more ASL. Have good Speach. Good Site...
  3. J

    Sign in if you're proud to be Deaf

    I'm in I am proud to be me. I lost my hearing at 26 so I can say that it sucks knowing what sounds everything makes, being able to talk on the phone watch tv without captions, then to not have hearing, But I deal with it and maybe if I was born deaf and didn't know I would think differently...