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  1. M

    Why there are so many Marriage and Divorce ?

    People are willling to put more time and work into their jobs than they are into their marriages. That is the real problem first time either one gets upset they are at the lawyers instead of working on their marriage. Love is great but read marriage vows says Man to Love wife BUT woman is to...
  2. M

    I Need Huge Advice Please!!!

    At 18 everything is black and white so much of the time. I am sorry about your problems. Tell him you don't really know why you lied to him. Trust is something you have to develop and keep over time. The trust the two of you are talking about is young trust. I have been married for many years...
  3. M

    I Need Huge Advice Please!!!

    Everyone has messed up at sometime. Go to him and tell him you are sorry and would like a second chance because you love him so much and Want a relationship with him above anything else. Then leave it up to him. May have gone to far but doesn't hurt to try. Merrilee
  4. M

    I am going to cut my long hair

    I like the second picture of the shorter hair. Good looking and would be easy to keep. Merrilee
  5. M

    Sad Annoucement to say...

    God be with you at this time. One word of advice - Don't do anything for a while until you are sure you are thinking straight. A good friend told me to wait at least 6 months after my husband died before making any major decisions in my life and I am very very glad I listened to her. Merrilee
  6. M

    Service Dogs

    I have been given an opportunity to train service dogs and am wondering what you all think of it? Have trained dogs for friends and family before but not sure about doing it for others. Would be Chihuahuas and other small dogs from different rescues to alert to door, telephone, fire etc...