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    Tattoos are used to be unacceptable but now it is acceptable in the society. If people judge us for what we have then that's their problem. Few friends of mine were :shock: when I first got it and I told them, who cares if what they think of me. Know what happened afterward, they are still my...
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    No one is required to have tattoo. Some of us want to have them because they are part of who we are, and many other reasons. Some don't believe in it and some others are against it due to their religion and difference. Some don't even need it as well. Everyone is an unique.:D
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    It depends on the designs and where, some turns me on. :giggle:
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    I have two tattoos on each ankle. One is taurus and another one is "love" as chinese symbol. :-)
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    Should children be allowed to drink alcohol at home?

    I voted no because it's not good for kids for many good reasons. It's not worth to get in trouble with the law. The world is full of chaos.
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    Who is single here?

    I'm currently single! Things happen when you are not looking, the right person comes to you when time is right. :D
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    Birthday Months

    May, too many july bdays in my family. :shock:
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    wouldn't want to make friend with someone who's not good with grammar english...

    We all never stop learning anything new. It's always a great experience for all of us. No one should be ashamed for having a bad grammar, as long as we keep learning and improve ourselves with the grammar. :)
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    AllDeaf will reach 1,000,000 posts soon

    Congrats Alex!! That's an awesome. :D
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    Post your gas prices

    Brian, consider yourself lucky cuz that's the cheapest gas price where you reside. In Illinois, the average range is from $4.15-$4.60!! :0(
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    Biologist: Having sex on a first date may lead to long term relationship

    It depends on individual, if you have a strong attraction, personality, connection and everything with someone then there's possible to have a long term relationship after humping on a first day or so. lol It usually doesn't work for me cuz I went through it before. :ugh2: