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    Steph-lilly 21,i really need help,please help me?

    thank you jennyb,for getting out what i have not been able to type,i feel like i am on a rollercoaster of emotions,i dont know how to put it---erm-- sometimes i feel like everything s fine and i have accepted it then all it takes is some1 to say the wrong thing and im in tears,is this normal? xx
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    Steph-lilly 21,i really need help,please help me?

    im not sayin deafness is the end of the world chase,all im stressing is this is all new to me and in a way im scared,i dont know what of,maby not knowin what to do next,i got some really good advice and i am due to see a audi later this week about hearing aids,im kind of learning to accept it...
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    hi how r u 2day??
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    Steph-lilly 21,i really need help,please help me?

    just makin small post to see if my pic pops up,i am tryin to sort my proflie out.
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    Steph-lilly 21,i really need help,please help me?

    Hiya Hi and thanks for all the posts and for a few people im sorry my grammer aint perfect i am just so ust to typin in txt talk and msn messenger,i can understand from some of you saying my loss aint that bad but for me it is,it is just that all this is new to me and the people i have tried to...
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    Steph-lilly 21,i really need help,please help me?

    it wont let me post my graph on here as it says the file is to big,i can put it on my myspace account n then maby u can look?
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    Steph-lilly 21,i really need help,please help me?

    aww thank you i thort i was always speeking loud,lol,but then obv not,i had my hearing test n got told in my left ear i have a Profound loss and because i have AC deafness and BC deafness,what can be done for this level of loss?as i said i didnt want nhs help n i wanted to go priv,would you say...
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    Steph-lilly 21,i really need help,please help me?

    my god all i wanted was to ask a few questions,n why the hell would i need a 3rd opinion?im deaf n thats all there is to it!!!!!!!!!!!! all i wanted was answers!!
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    Steph-lilly 21,i really need help,please help me?

    i oh my god,what will it take to get help??? i have been to the ENT,and i have been tested can i send you my graph for you to look at?it is to big to attatch!
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    Steph-lilly 21,i really need help,please help me?

    please... well i am so sorry my spelling and grammer is not how you like it,it is gunna be really hard to get my parents in the same room,my mum n dad are no longer together,my mum n her bf r in london for a futher week,and it is gunna be harder to help them understand me been deaf if i hardly...
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    Steph-lilly 21,i really need help,please help me?

    omg i am new to this site n all i want is help,people are lookin at my post but no1 is helping,n it was a hearing cent,how can u question my age?do u have msn n i can send you my graph n i have a cam n u can c i am only 21!!
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    Steph-lilly 21,i really need help,please help me?

    hi,my name is steph-lilly im 21 and i have just found out i have a Profound loss in my left ear,the audi i seen wasnt very helpfull in he didnt answer any ov my questions all he was botherd about was time n tryin to sell me a hearing aid,as soon as i said that i was gunna ask my mum or dad to...