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  1. C

    Phonak Una

    I have a Phonak Una, too, same as your except purple. Hope that picture doesn't come out too big, but that is mine. I have audioboots connected to them, so I can listen to my MP3 player/Computer via a wire that hooks directly to the Unas. :lol: But yes, I love them!
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    Hearing Changes with Accute Illness?

    Has anyone experienced this: you get a cold/allergies/a virus and your ability to hear takes a nosedive? :dunno: I am HoH and just in the last day or two have got a cold/allergies, and my hearing in my left ear decreased dramatically, and my right ear just a little. But I have tinnitus...
  3. C

    What color is your hearing aid?

    I have translucent purple with clear ear molds. And re: the person who said it was unprofessional to have colored aids-- I don't find it any less professional than colored glasses frames (my glasses are purple, to match my aids, naturallY :giggle:) or brightly colored clothing, even. I have...
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    Want to be a Terp

    Hey all, I'm recently considering transferring schools. This may or may nor include changing my original education plan as well. As it stands, if I stay at the college I'm at, I am planning on getting my BA in health care administration after 2 more years, and afterwards go for a bachelor's or...
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    Movie "The Quiet" and Psychosomatic Deafness

    OK, so has anyone seen the movie "The Quiet"? It's a half-lame psychological thriller/drama. Just a teen drama, really, with some intrigue and perversion thrown in for good measure. But one of the characters was listed on the description as being deaf. She signs, doesn't speak except for one...
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    Hard-Of-Hearing Calling Themselves Deaf?

    I am technically HOH (still can hear at a moderate level in quiet environment with HAs, but with my ears how they are I don't know how long that'll last). But when I explain to people, I tell them I am Deaf. Especially hearing people. Because I noticed that when I say I am HOH they act like I...
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    Deaf demand right to designer deaf children

    I think if hearies can choose embryos based on whether they carry a hearing or deaf gene (as in, if they can choose hearing over deaf) then we should be able to choose deaf over hearing. This same article came up in a different forum (livejournal) the other day and I thought the contrast...
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    HA Moments

    I had a hearing aid (or rather, anti-hearing aid) moment last night at my little brother's band concert. His middle school band was TERRIBLE, all squeaky etc, so I just turned my HAs off! Mom turned to me and said, "THAT IS SO NOT FAIR!" I signed to her "Hahaha" and she doesn't know sign so I...
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    Is ASL Fading Away or Not?

    I don't think ASL will ever die. Even if technology advances and makes deafness "obsolete", some people have deafness in their family for generations and might choose to not use the technology. Also, not everyone will afford the technology, so there will always be those "poor" (financially) deaf...
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    Deaf culture - do's and don'ts, etc. Let's make a list!

    Eew, raw chicken?! Why didn't your supervisor yell at HER if he/she was standing right there? I would've gone off the handle. About missing sounds, the same is happening to me. I don't hear when things boil in the kitchen if I'm in the dining room now, not 10 feet away (small apartment). My...
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    Sign Language Moments

    In the HA/CI board there are threads for funny or touching moments when you either first used your HA/CI or something funny happened because of either one. I have had many funny sign language moments and I'm sure some of you do too. For example, when I was just getting back into using sign...
  12. C

    When expecting a child, would you want it to be deaf?

    I know this post quickly turned into an argument/debate, and I don't have time to go back through all, but I wanted to say that since I can't have kids, if I ever adopted it'd be a DHH kid. Most don't get adopted because adoptive parents don't want to deal with the "extra stress" of having a...
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    What brand of hearing aids do you wear?

    I have purple phonak Unas, which are BTE. I love them!
  14. C

    ASL Expo 2007 Schedule

    I am confused, I keep looking up the Dec 8 Washington DC expo and get nothing on ASL Expo's Website, all the other one seem to have passed! I wanted to go to the DC one (it's closest and on my birthday)... anyone know if it's still on? :fingersx:
  15. C

    Anyone here that sign with both hands rather than dominant hand?

    I sign both handed sometimes. I was taught that it's best to be able to use both-- what if you have something in your dominant hand and can't use it? If I am signing in a conversation I will switch back and forth from "real" signs with right hand dominant to fingerspelling with left hand...
  16. C

    spinoff: Another question

    I think the difference is that there is a culture surrounding d/Deafness that isn't there for paraplegic or blind individuals. Deaf Culture sprang out of a common language and a common struggle, but paraplegic people and blind people communicate (mostly) just as hearing people do so there was no...
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    Logitech is a good brand for PC, then? And I'm sorry about your experiences, Sara! No matter where you go sometimes there are just sick people out there. Of course if you don't feel safe/comfortable doing something you absolutely shouldn't. I wouldn't use it with people I don't know in real...
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    I was wondering if any of you webcams for vlogs or computer video chat what brand/model do you use? I am gonna ask my folks for one for Christmas (:fingersx:) but I would like to be a little more specific than just "webcam" because they're not very tech savvy and would either buy the MOST or...
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    A sign of family love

    I think that is very sweet and all but the boys are only 9 right? I'm sure their mom doesn't make them do this for her, I'm sure they love to do it and feel needed and helpful but you have to wonder if they have had to grow up extra fast because of this. I've heard from several CODAs that it's...
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    Do deaf people talk to themselves?

    I sign to myself (in my mind and "out loud") lots of times. When I listen to music I do it alot, and fingerspelling is how I learned how to spell as a kid. I would hide my hand under the desk when I took the test and spelled the words to myself, haha. I think the question the reporter posed was...