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  1. Igor

    Hey, I'm Brad and I am age 19 and HOH

    Hey, I'm 18 too! Welcome.
  2. Igor

    Zelda Games

    I've beaten some number of Zelda games, but I have to say that Ocarina of Time is truly epic, especially when it's your first 3D game. I really missed that feeling when I was so amazed by seeing the size of Hyrule's Field for the first time. Of course, there are also other surprises.
  3. Igor

    Anyone play WoW?

    I've played WoW for 2 years and quit... now I am going back again, as a casual player. Call me crazy.
  4. Igor

    Best game ever played?

    I have no preference, but I do enjoy a lot of games. Devil May Cry 3 Valkyrie Profile 2 Zelda: Ocarina of Time Metal Gear Solid 2 (Never played 3) World of Warcraft Turok 2 Starcraft Kingdom Hearts
  5. Igor

    Hey guys.

    Thanks for the welcome.
  6. Igor

    CI Moments

    I am actually caught in a bit of dilemma myself. Before I go on explaining that, let me outline little of my CI history. I received the device at the age of 5, and now I am still using it as I am currently attending an university at the age of 18. So, it would be nearly 13 years since then. The...
  7. Igor

    Man to die for leaving girl to be eaten by gators

    That guy who's condemned to death definitely has to be psychologically disordered in some way. No one in his right mind would be that cruel. Not that I want to defend him, but it is not fair to punish someone who commits such extraordinary act out of "mental instability". If he's actually...
  8. Igor

    23 Minutes In Hell

    I find this very hard to believe, but then again... I am the guy who is easily delighted by science.
  9. Igor

    I am Lanee

    Ha ha. If you are so fascinated by ASL, then, I personally think one of the best ways to learn sign language is to practice recognizing finger spelling quickly, I mean REALLY quickly.
  10. Igor

    Hey guys.

    As you see a long list of topics, here is another one coming in. To introduce myself, I was diagnosed profoundly deaf when I was very young. Actually, my parents don't know whether I was born deaf due to lack of advanced medicine in my home country, which is Vietnam. So, we moved to US in order...
  11. Igor

    hello i new member of site

    Heya, I am new as well. Nice meeting you.
  12. Igor

    Who likes Japanese animations?

    I was once used to be fanatic about anime, but now I am just a casual. It's probably because of the fact that I am running out of good shows. I can even recognize where jclarke's signature comes from. It is from Melancholy of Harubi Suzimaya or whatever it is called. It's definitely a great...