Search results

  1. I

    Deaf Roommates?

    mean a signing roommate.
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    Deaf Roommates?

    I did mean that, haha. And no, I'm not able to post as I'm not a student anymore. tam
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    Deaf Roommates?

    Hi, I am looking for a roommate in the Seattle area. Anyone know how to find a signing roommate? tam
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    Hearing Boyfriends Learning ASL?

    Hey there, I'm gay and until recently was a student at Gallaudet. I'm hard-of-hearing, but I prefer ASL to spoken English, especially as my audiogram gets worse. My favourite professor was also gay told me all his boyfriends, hearing and deaf, signed...however, he did assure me that there are...
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    Time to start thinking about college..yikes!

    Onto the real topic: going to a community college is NOT bad. I took college courses my senior year before coming to Gallaudet, and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. Gallaudet is IMO not a good school for those of us who are academically oriented. I have been here a year and will...
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    Time to start thinking about college..yikes!

    As someone who took both the SAT and the ACT, I can affirm that the above is true; however, the SAT's critical reading section is FAR more demanding than the ACT's reading section. I did manage to get a 650/800 on CR on the SAT which isn't too bad, but I got a 35/36 on the ACT's reading section...
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    Which best graduate and law schools for the deaf?

    Harvard and deaf? My, I'm green with envy! Echoing what you school is mostly a numbers game, unless it's Yale or Stanford, in which case you also need EXCELLENT extra-curriculars (Fullbright/Rhodes). With Harvard, you stand a much better chance at such accolades. Harvard and...
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    How will Ivy League graduate school accept me?

    EVERY law school requires excellent English skills as well as critical thinking skills. The LSAT's Reading section contains passages of usually around 500 words. Reading is definitely a skill useful in law (and every field), but the law demands close attention to detail, analytical skills, and...
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    How will Ivy League graduate school accept me?

    Law is an extremely competitive field as it is, but the economy has made it much worse. If you want to be a lawyer, you should have a very high GPA (3.7+) and high LSATs (I don't think there are many schools who accept below 160). For some law schools (Yale, Stanford), you will also need...
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    40 Employees Laid Off By Gallaudet University

    Can I just say something here? It's none of anyone's business who got laid off. If your friend(s) got laid off, let them tell you. This has nothing to do with Deaf culture, it's called professional courtesy.
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    Experiences of University

    I attended Columbus State Community college for three quarters (part time) this year. I think with mainstream it really depends on the student. I have an oral/aural background and only learned ASL five years ago (still learning). I felt my interpreters were very competent and skilled. For...
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    Jewish Outreach + Services At Gallaudet

    I do sign I'm a student at OSD. Unfortunately not in C-bus right now won't be for abt three months. However I will be hopefully there over Shabbat through the year. Which Conservative shul offers terps? I have the service memorised so it's not really necessarybut for rabbi's sermons I need them...
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    Jewish Outreach + Services At Gallaudet

    dogmom, I do not care about denomination. Personally I'm Orthodox in belief and practise (except for not keeping Shabbat...not though). I want Jews to stay Jewish culturally and realise what beautiful heritage they have. It is quite sad to me that many Jews do not know the beauty of...
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    Jewish Outreach + Services At Gallaudet

    Hello, I know several Deaf rabbis that I'll VP tomorrow. Thanks so much for your responses. I know several people who converted Orthodox at Gallaudet, and you HAVE to be observant during that time. I will also see what Paula Tucker says about how to be frum on campus. I am not a fan of...
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    Jewish Outreach + Services At Gallaudet

    Hello, I am curious about Gallaudet's Jewish community and services. I am desperate to live a frum (religious) Jewish life and unfortunately Gallaudet's housing rules do not allow me to keep kosher easily without becoming vegetarian OR keep Shabbat/Yom Tov. I am wondering what sort of...
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    Any House M.D. or Ghost Whispers Fans?

    I'm a serious fan of House, MD. I love all the characters and everyone really is smoking but I want House and Wilson to get together. It's impossible, they give us male-on-male slashers our way! :mad:
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    Would you support BIBI programs as a national standard for Deaf ED?

    I support bilingual education as a national standard, even for hearings. Americans need to learn more languages. I agree that most BiBi programmes are run incorrectly. Yes, you need to codeswitch for people for whom ASL is a second language and still learning, but the proper way for them to...
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    Should Deaf Schools be Shut Down?

    SD means School for the Deaf in that context. ;) Sorry about that!
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    Should Deaf Schools be Shut Down?

    Ex-mainstreamed student here... Hell no! Deaf schools provide MANY benefits: a feeling of belonging/unity, pride, Deaf role models, access to ASL/English, that for some Deaf students is IMPOSSIBLE in hearing schools. I have a very good friend who is hard-of-hearing and does not identify as...
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    Feelings on how a Deaf child should be taught

    Deborah, I am so sorry for being so incredibly tardy in my reply. Yes, I am oral Deaf family hearing no sign. My godmother is a CODA, and used ASL with me in her lifetime. I feel BiBi is the philosophy of using a person's first language to teach a second. For me, that'd be English, for...