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  1. T

    who's Ddeaf,Hhoh and hearing here on ADforum?

    I am HoH. I also work as an Interpreter. My student is HoH and what is funny is on days that I forget my hearing aid my student hears better than me sometimes. I was born with otiosclorosis (spelling wrong I am sure). Had a stapedectomy (spelling bad I am sure) in1989 where they found...
  2. T

    Help need sign

    I need sign for square root. In Math class that I am interpreting for we are studying square root and I can't find a sign for it. I made one up but he is confused by it. I asked him to help me make one up and he is refusing. Is there a sign out there for square root. Thanks so much.
  3. T

    Hello from Englewood, Ohio

    Hello I am new to I am really enjoying this web site. I am HOH. I was born with Otiosclorosis (sorry for the miss spelling). I was not diagnosed until I was 17. I never knew I had a problem. No one ever told me that I had a hearing loss I assumed that everyone was like me...