Search results

  1. J

    Deaf couple wants deaf baby guaranteed via IVF

    There is a risk of being deaf, and nobody should have to make that choice to be hearing or deaf. Not an embryo, not a child, not a parent. If hearing is a state of being, then hearing should not be discarded. If a child is naturally deaf, then that's fine. If an embryo carries genes linked to...
  2. J

    Deaf couple wants deaf baby guaranteed via IVF

    You're correct that a deaf individual can lead a richly enhanced life, but the chances are higher if the ability to hear is there. Deafness does put limitations: the ability to hear, and the ability (to a certain extent) to talk. This limitation extends to many things, including careers where...
  3. J

    Deaf couple wants deaf baby guaranteed via IVF

    The first paragraph of your statement doesn't validate the selection of a deaf embryo. You're saying that a successful deaf couple should be allowed to raise a deaf child. What about a non-successful deaf couple? What about a successful hearing couple? The point that jissee is making is that...
  4. J

    Deaf couple wants deaf baby guaranteed via IVF

    A repost: I find it incredibly ethically wrong. No one can choose how a child should be born. It's eugenics, and it's the same thing as picking whether the child should have blue eyes, or have one arm, or have six fingers. The argument made by some deaf advocates is that it's discriminatory to...
  5. J

    Deaf couple wants deaf baby guaranteed via IVF

    My apologies. I didn't realize there was yet another sub-forum.
  6. J

    Deaf couple wants deaf baby guaranteed via IVF

    It applies to both before and after conception, from a ethical standpoint whether or not hearing can be given/taken. My point is that it's not up to the parents to make the decision if the child is to be conceived, kept and raised, because ultimately, it becomes the child's decision in the end.
  7. J

    Deaf couple wants deaf baby guaranteed via IVF

    Deaf couple wants deaf embryo Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN should put subtitles on their videos. Here's another article: BBC NEWS | Health | Is it wrong to select a deaf embryo? I find it incredibly ethically wrong. No one can choose how a child should be born. It's...
  8. J

    Which to buy Laptop for travelling

    How was he being immature? Explain why, please. That's a misconception. For the quality hardware and bundled software, the price evens out. No need to buy MS Office, Anti-virus software, spyware programs, etc. Pacman already gave one good reason: OS X. So? HP and Dell are the...
  9. J

    Which to buy Laptop for travelling

    Well, for traveling, MacBook Air is perfect if you're only using it as a secondary machine and primarily for e-mail, internet, office work, word processing, etc. and always traveling. If you want to watch DVDs, use peripherals or play games, then I'd recommend the MacBook/MacBook Pro. It...
  10. J

    best antivirus software ?

    I researched this recently, and I would have to say Kaspersky is the best right now, while Norton is getting a lot of complaints.
  11. J

    I'm Mac user

    I should add that a RAID configuration with SATA hard drives can go up to 3GB/sec, so a 10 000 RPM isn't that big of a deal. In fact, I think any hard drives that can go that fast are also prone to losing data or crashing. A little risky, but RAID configurations are quite popular.
  12. J

    New fingerspelling font: Lapiak ASL

    Stephanie and Catty: I also added TrueType fonts (.ttf) to be available for download for your convenience. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. UPDATE: Also, for those having issues with the fingertips being cut off or colliding, there is now a new version of Lapiak ASL to download...
  13. J

    Laptop vs Desktop

    Funny you say that. PC World just did some tests and found that the Mac runs Windows Vista faster than the PC competitors. Like Pacman said, you can run Windows via Boot Camp on a Intel Mac machine, and run any PC game at virtually native speed. I just recently upgraded to Leopard, and it is...
  14. J

    New fingerspelling font: Lapiak ASL

    For those who were wondering what happened to the download link, my website is being transferred to a faster, reliable server, and it should be back up soon, hopefully no more than a few days. Thank you.
  15. J


    I second getting a Mac. If you compare the hardware with, for example, Dell and a Mac, the prices are almost the same. The problem is, Dell can appear cheaper because they also offer cheap hardware, whereas, with a Mac, the hardware are all high quality. The clincher would be the superior...
  16. J

    New fingerspelling font: Lapiak ASL

    That's very cool! I do enjoy reading stories like this, so I'm glad that my font has made a nice impact for education and for the community. Thank you for sharing :)
  17. J

    XP or Vista ?

    In terms of usability, Vista actually took a step backwards, so XP is still the better Windows operating system. That being said, I'm running on Mac OS X :D
  18. J

    I'm Mac user

    Fetch is very similar to Cyberduck (which is free), but I really like Fetch's additional features and GUI.
  19. J

    Why Microsoft is scared of virtualization: Buy an Apple Mac, run anything and everyth

    Windows dominating the computer share market is meaningless. Since Apple is a brand of its own with its own operating system, they are naturally going to have a smaller share compared to a dozen of computer brands (Dell, HP, Gateway, etc) that already have Windows pre-installed. It's really a...
  20. J

    I'm Mac user

    Congratulations on your new Mac. The re-designed iMac is very sleek! I have been using a Mac for the last three months, and it is fantastic. Mac OS X comes with its own spell-checker, but a grammar checker's interesting. Here's a neat Mac tip that only works on Cocoa applications (like...