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  1. julado

    View my posts????

    Thank you.... and I will second that....can a moderator please close this thread now...problem resolved.
  2. julado

    Rant: I don't get it.

    Opal, all British schoolkids are SUPPOSED to wear a uniform.....and I use the word uniform loosely...but from what I see they don't. The children from fee paying, or posher state schools do and some of them look good but I live on a tatty run down council estate (there are many here in...
  3. julado

    Any thoughts on this problem?

    TweetyBird...I know this is off topic but CONGRATULATIONS. Have a fabulous day and a brilliant and prosperous married life :party: :applause: :cuddle:
  4. julado

    View my posts????

    Thank you both - Boult and and Sunshine1. Indeed it' there on my I said I am new to this internet thing. I am still quite blown away that I am sitting here in Sheffield England swapping messages with people from the other side of the pond. Its a concept that at the moment is...
  5. julado

    Gas is going to be 4 a gal this summer

    4 dollars a gallon!!!!! Oh how we British wish our fuel was ONLY 4 dollars a gallon. Ours is priced by the litre (some strange European measurement I am still not used to!!). It works out to just over £1 per litre and there are just under 5 litres to a gallon. If my very rough conversion...
  6. julado

    Any thoughts on this problem?

    WebExplorer....yes he is autistic as well. His sense of humour is very much like his Dad's and I suppose like mine too (my own natural state of being is SILLY. I only do sensible when I have to, as a last resort and then I quickly revert back to silly!!!). I am going to visit him in ten days...
  7. julado

    View my posts????

    Hello there Boult....apologies......I did take the opportunity to explore before I came on with the question. The thing I am looking for, not knowing if there is one on this site!! where I can view all the posts I have made to the various interesting threads on this site. From this...
  8. julado

    Any thoughts on this problem?

    Does my grammar give me away!!!! Yes, I am from Sheffield, England. :wave: I am new to this internet thing and up until now I have kept to a local (very popular) forum site. Meeting new people, especially from the States is a very wierd concept.....its such a long way away yet only next door...
  9. julado

    Rant: I don't get it.

    Ah, so the brand I did not mention holds kids to ransom in Canada too? As I suspect it does all over the world. You are right WHO cares about brands. I think individually most of us don't, its a collective thing....I wear clothes simply so I don't get arrested!!!! I don't choose to wear brands...
  10. julado

    View my posts????

    See, another smilie for :help:!!!!!!!!:rifle:
  11. julado

    View my posts????

    I (now) know all forums are different, both in tolerance and in set up....I have a set up question... On another forum I visit there is an opportunity the "view all posts". From there I am able to keep up with threads I have visited and posted on and see the latest posts BUT I can't seem to see...
  12. julado

    Rant: I don't get it.

    Having read this thread, there seems to be a lot of American input here (and there is nothing wrong with that). So hello to all from the other side of the pond. :wave: I don't get it either OP. I live on a council estate here in Sheffield, England. There isn't a lot of spare cash to be had...
  13. julado

    I'm Seeking For Mr.right

    BIGQUEEN64.....good luck in your quest to find Mr Right. Just make sure his first name is not....Always! :lol:
  14. julado

    Have anyone ever had an open relationship?

    OP Something to avoid at all costs..... Open marriages are fine if both participants don't lose sight of the objective....that is to have sex without a relationship with others outside of the marriage......but more often than not feelings ARE involved and thats when things can go horribly...
  15. julado

    Hello all,

    :welcome: I am new to this site too. Hope the weather is more agreeable in Greece than it is in UK at the moment.... You talk about hearing aids. My son is profoundly deaf and doesn't use aids..he did when he was at boarding school but they would be left at school when he came home for...
  16. julado

    Any thoughts on this problem?

    thank the guinea pig. I keep rats but Chris over loves them and they don't mind a bit.
  17. julado

    Any thoughts on this problem?

    OOPS, have just re-read my thread......not only for a specific purpose!!!! I have also come on here to widen my knowledge of deaf culture and meet new friends and maybe widen the circle of friends for my son. Chris, my son, is a wonderful young man (of course I would say that...I'm his...
  18. julado

    Any thoughts on this problem?

    Hello All, I am new to your forums. I have come on here for a specific purpose.....I am needing a bit of help and advice please. I have a deaf son who has additional learning difficulties. He is 27. He went the RSDCM at Margate and left when he was 19. Because of his added difficulties he...