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    Teaching deaf children to read and write

    never mind... I'm finishing up my paper right now...
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    Teaching deaf children to read and write

    I'm trying to do a research paper on different methods of teaching deaf children to read and write. Can anyone point me in the direction of a good website or two? I'm having some trouble...
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    That's ok. I don't need more information; I'm an inactive member of AVEN! I used to be quite active, but I don't really go there anymore.
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    "you are a bum!"

    I ended up using "pig." Thanks everyone for the advice!
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    I don't know. My guess is that many people have used the term.
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    They weren't abused or told it was dirty, anymore often than anyone else. And how can you not enjoy making love? Well, judging from your SN, you're a lesbian.... how would you like having sex with a man? It would probably be boring since you wouldn't be turned on. It's the same for asexuals...
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    Comic Strip for Interpreters

    cute. I love garfield!
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    The only thing that sucks for asexuals is that it's hard to find someone to be in a relationship with who doesn't want sex. I suppose it would also be annoying to live in a sex-saturated society.
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    PuyoPiyo, masturbation has nothing to do with sexual attraction. Some asexuals enjoy masturbation, others do not. As for me, I sometimes masturbate, but I don't think about men or women, not even my boyfriend. If I even try to fantasize during masturbation, I just find it distracting.
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    Oh, hey, you're right...
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    Brokeback Mountain

    I saw it. It was long and slow, but still pretty decent.
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    Asexual is defined as a person who is not sexually attracted to either sex. You could also look here for a more in-depth explanation. Are there any asexuals around here? My sexuality is on the edge of asexual...
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    "you are a bum!"

    It is a children's story and I wanted to keep the feel of the story as such; however, the story will be told to a college class.
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    How Gay Are You?

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    This girl has insane bicycle skills!

    Wow! She has good balance!
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    Hehe! Have you tried converting him to ASL? It's hard to convert over from thinking in one language to thinking in another.
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    "you are a bum!"

    I was also thinking about that earlier....
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    "you are a bum!"

    Hm... I guess I will just say stupid. Shel, I think that the prince is a "bum" because he's just not a nice person and he's stupid for not wanting the princess to save him, just because she wasn't dressed nice.
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    My ASL teacher sent out an email one time that was about some performance. The email contained a flier and the flier stated that the show would be done in ASL, but have an interpreter for the ASL-impaired. I thought the term was amusing, so I used it here.
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    "you are a bum!"

    Hmmm.... I'm not sure that would fit with the context of the story. In the story, a dragon burns up everything, takes the prince away, and then the princess tries to rescue him. Because he burns everything up, she has no clothes and has to wear a paper bag. When the prince sees her, he...