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  1. Mysterious Rose

    Why everyone against Bush?

    They got you brainwashed really good! It's all lies & twisted info.
  2. Mysterious Rose

    Tragic Deaf Man's Final Trip Home

    Wow that is so sad. I wonder why he went alone to look on the tracks? He needed someone there for a lookout since he knows he can't hear, but that is sad and he didn't deserve to die.
  3. Mysterious Rose

    Why everyone against Bush?

    We all need to re-elect Bush, he is the best defense for us against this war on terror. :)
  4. Mysterious Rose

    Deaf students have difficult time with English tests

    I always thought that ASL was a direct word for word translation of English, why don't they make ASL more like speaking English? Also, I was raised on lots of books too, my mom was an avid reader and always took us to the library and we would get loads of books and read them all! I...
  5. Mysterious Rose

    Hey Mysterious Rose!

    Okay cool! Yes I will! :)
  6. Mysterious Rose

    Hey Mysterious Rose!

    Yes it does! Yes I like it here and thius thread, very nice ! :)
  7. Mysterious Rose

    Hey Mysterious Rose!

    Tonight I'm gonna get a new avatar and signature :)
  8. Mysterious Rose

    Hey Mysterious Rose!

    LOL yes I'm still here! :) Yeah I don't like to see them either LOL
  9. Mysterious Rose

    Hey Mysterious Rose!

    Hi there!!!!!! LOL how are you!!! Good to see you here again! I love your sig!
  10. Mysterious Rose

    Breastmilk or formula....

    LOL! I thought it was saying wierd too! Okay I get it. ;) :)
  11. Mysterious Rose

    Breastmilk or formula....

    If the mother is healthy and able to produce enough milk then I definately believe breastfeeding is better by far! But in cases where the mother's health is bad and or she takes presciption drugs or smokes or bad habits like that, then she should bottle feed. All things being equal, breastmilk...
  12. Mysterious Rose

    Is Animal welcome to house of GOD?

    Wow cool! And if normally dangerous animals will go to Heaven, then they will be peaceful there, so I can add a pet Lion to my list of pets to have there. LOL! :)
  13. Mysterious Rose

    Is Animal welcome to house of GOD?

    I'm not sure if animals go to Heaven or not, but I do believe that animals have souls. The soul is where your emotions and personality are, and what makes you you. Animals do have personailites and emotions, they have a soul. I do believe that there will be dogs and cats in Heaven, I gotta have...
  14. Mysterious Rose

    Proud to be Disabled?

    I think the term "Special Needs" may be a little better than disabled, because disabled sounds like someone or something that's unable to function at all.
  15. Mysterious Rose

    Proud to be Disabled?

    ROFL!! That's funny. Yeah, you don't have hear a lot of unnecessary garbage! LOL! :)
  16. Mysterious Rose

    Which Laptop is best?

    Really? I always thought Dell was the best, I was going to make my next one a Dell. Yeah Compaqs are pretty good. :)
  17. Mysterious Rose

    Proud to be Disabled?

    OMG!!! Really?
  18. Mysterious Rose

    Most Scariest Movie?

    I think Reign of Fire was pretty scary and also, Final Destination and Jeepers Creepers. Those were pretty scary. I agree with others who said It and Children of the Corn. Another one that creeps me out is the Omen. :cool: !
  19. Mysterious Rose

    Guess what?!?! I'm..

    Atheist! :)
  20. Mysterious Rose

    Guess what?!?! I'm..

    Stripper! :boink: