Search results

  1. Araknat

    Deaf community in Maine?

    Thanks alot. I'll look into that. :)
  2. Araknat

    Beware of Nigerian Scams

    Here's another one for YIM name is yetti_sweetie23. This person claimed someone kidnaped her mother and took her to Nigeria, she had to fly there to get her mother, and now has no money to get her and her mother back. I saw this one coming from a mile away. I even went so far as to get how...
  3. Araknat

    Deaf community in Maine?

    Hey, I'm working on learning ASL and am interested in meeting others in my area to help me learn and hang out. I live near the Brunswick area. Send me a message if you're interested. I only started learning a few days ago, so I'm still a noob when it comes to ASL. I hope to meet some of you...
  4. Araknat

    Girl, 4, kept out of school for pink hair

    yes it is :(
  5. Araknat


    It's good to be here. i've been browsing the forums and there's alot of interesting talk here and everybody seems pretty friendly. i think i'm going to have a good time here.
  6. Araknat

    Girl, 4, kept out of school for pink hair

    People are overreacting way too much about little things these days. I read an article about a little preschool boy getting kicked out of his school because he hugged his teacher and accidently touched her boob. Then the teacher cries sexual assault. What the hell is this world coming to? Grow...
  7. Araknat

    City Council Drama

    lol, she should have put a little more heart into her performance.. I don't see an Oscar in her future
  8. Araknat

    What state do you live in?

    Maine.. someone get me outta here.. lol
  9. Araknat


    thank you :)
  10. Araknat


    Hey everyone, how's it goin? I'm 27 male living in Maine for now. Keeping my name secret, so all of you crazy stalkers have to work a little harder. ;) I'm hearing, but am working on learning ASL, so if anybody in the Maine area feels like helping me out, I'll take all the help I can get...