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  1. clwdeaf

    Not deaf yet but soon

    Hi moxi2001: (hi everyone, im not deaf but getting there fast. The nerves in my ear are degenerating faster than they are supposed to. I have a 30% hearing loss and have about 3 years of hearing left. Its hard to deal with but im dealing with it day by day. I would just like to know what i...
  2. clwdeaf


    Southern, that is great you did good at exams! What are you majoring in?
  3. clwdeaf

    For Hearing to answer only: I am deaf and want to know why

    Southern, that is something I was really looking for. A honest answer from a hearing person who is willing to tell the truth that most hearing people won't!! What you wrote has helped me to see the hearing people's point of view better. My goal is to somehow break the barriers between hearing...
  4. clwdeaf

    so happy to have found this group

    Welcome Alex! Learning ASL and deaf culture will open up as you meet deaf people or future deaf patients...Welcome to AD!
  5. clwdeaf

    For deaf people to answer: Let us know each other Deaf Style!!

    Get-to-Know-Each Other Questions (Deaf style!!) (You don't have to answer them all) 1. Favorite deaf movie(s)? 2. Who is your deaf hero or heroine? 3. Prefer to have a deaf or hearing dog? 4. Are deaf club or deaf socials the heart of deaf culture, yes or no? 5. Favorite deaf actor or actress...
  6. clwdeaf

    For Hearing to answer only: I am deaf and want to know why

    For Hearing to answer: I am deaf raised by deaf parents and deaf hubby. I would like to know why do hearing people make fun, mock, or are fearful of deaf people? Can you give me some insights, perhaps you could tell me your thoughts as a hearing person? I understand 100% about deaf's point of...
  7. clwdeaf

    Does this happen often???

    Trish, Yes, it is VERY common!! My parents are deaf and my siblings are hearing. They (siblings) got upset whenever people make fun of their deaf parents. As for me, I have caught some hearing kids in the act who made fun of me (I am deaf myself) behind my back. It is COMMON! We are used to it!
  8. clwdeaf

    The way we were.

    Photos have a way to touch our hearts. Thanks for sharing.
  9. clwdeaf

    How old were you when you first experienced job discrimination as deaf person

    Hi Krista, From what I learned and have seen stories from my deaf parents and deaf hubby, Most Hearing people (I said most, not all) often do not believe deaf people can be parents or even babysit!!! I remember I was 16, like you, and the couple could not really trust a young deaf teenage...
  10. clwdeaf

    How old were you when you first experienced job discrimination as deaf person

    That's funny, VamPyrox! Some hearing people (I said some, not all) still think deaf people shouldn't be in managerial positions!
  11. clwdeaf

    How old were you when you first experienced job discrimination as deaf person

    How old was I when I first experienced job discrimination? I was 19 years old. Even though I was raised by deaf parents, I experienced my first "discrimination" when I tried to apply for a job at the Bagel cafe. A job agency referred me to Bagel Cafe and I called that number and the manager...
  12. clwdeaf

    Deaf History (Interesting)

    Cool history about the deaf!
  13. clwdeaf

    Hello, Hello Deaf World!

    Hi Tweetybird, Wow, you are one of the longest members of AD here! :) clwdeaf
  14. clwdeaf

    Hello, Hello Deaf World!

    Hi hiblue01, Thanks! Hi Misti, Great, I am glad for you!
  15. clwdeaf


    Welcome, Misti. clwdeaf
  16. clwdeaf

    Hi I'm metemantis

    Welcome metamantis! clwdeaf
  17. clwdeaf

    Hello, Hello Deaf World!

    Hi deafteen, Your movie was abit too fast, I had to watch it again and again to get the message. Clearly, the deaf often get questions like: can deaf people drive? can deaf parents raise kids? can deaf people talk? etc etc. It made me think, what!, do they think we are "dumb"? clwdeaf
  18. clwdeaf

    Hello, Hello Deaf World!

    Hi deafteen, Did you make that movie!? clwdeaf
  19. clwdeaf

    Hello, Hello Deaf World!

    Thank you, everyone, for welcoming me! I have not yet experienced the job as a psychologist, that is much later in the future, but I would share my personal thought with you now, the study of deaf culture always interested me as I have gone through my own personal experiences and challenges as a...
  20. clwdeaf

    Hello, Hello Deaf World!

    Nice to meet all of you! :)