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  1. D

    Less than a week to Implant time

    Good luck! I just had my second one done in december- all was good. Just remember if you had any issues with the anathesisa to tell them.
  2. D

    residual hearing

    congrats in being newly implanted though Deb! hope all is well!
  3. D

    Time for some answers

    let us know what you find out!
  4. D

    residual hearing

    I mean I dont think I have any left, but it could be possible given the adapted surgical techniques these days. I just had it implanted in december. I put a speaker phone up to my ear and could so call "hear" the dial tone but i think it was just the vibrations. I believe i am more sensative to...
  5. D

    residual hearing

    Thank you! this was extremely helpful.
  6. D

    residual hearing

    Has any person who has gotten a CI had any residual hearing left afterwards?