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  1. T

    ~Deaf Rock~ it so fun! ha

    Hi Bity, I m here ha. I already join it lolz hugs, Tmd
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    Here in Las Vegas has icy,bad wild,very chilli,freeze and snow very closer our condo..It's temp 35 to 40'. I hate cold outside..I stay home with warm heater..I will pay bill for heater. My bf know me.I alway help to pay bills and sharing with him.
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    What's up?

    Hi GalaxyAngel Hi GalaxyAngel, You are good mother awwww You alway takecare of ur kids and busy mother too..If u have free time and chat with me here. I dont have any kids. I'm 44 yrs old..I never married too. I have my boyfriend too. Yes of course I do love any kids by our friends or my...
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    What's up?

    Hey Cheri as angel Hi Cheri, How are u doin? I'm good! I am wonder to ask u. Do u like tagdeaf? Do u like tagdeaf's shoutbox no or yes? Let me know ok..Becaz I stopped shoutbox anymore. I love to chat and making new friends. But Somones hacked me last month and someones stole my web of...
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    What's up?

    Hi Meg, I know that! I don't like ur roommate try steal ur man. She use crack as freebase or cocaine.. i am agianst any drugs/dope. I did study all men/women face terrible from crack freebase and cocaine.I have my pictures but It's lost. If Donna bother u.I know you are busy and watch out her...
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    What's up?

    Hi everyones, How are u doin? What's up? Anyones chat with me please. Because I'm bored. Any news here and sharing with me and our friends here..I would hear from ur news and etc.....:bowdown: :fingersx: :ty: Tmddeaf1962
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    ATTENTION: AIM Deaf chat for mobile device (Sidekick) users!

    Shoutbox Hi Let u know I can't chat in shoutbox anymore.I dontl like being their gossip as their names as stabbler..from tagdeaf. Yes,I like chat room in sk2,3 and my computer "chat" too.I have my sk2 and mda pager too.. I can't find my mda for aim chat.Its not same sk2. If all of u can...
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    Hello!!!! How're ur weather? My weather's very freeze/chilli/bad wind and icy yesterday and today..It's temp 29 to 32.. When I checked my mailbox. I felt my face was frooze and very coldest. I watch weather news today till Monday.But I has an appt with my doctor on monday noon. I ask my bf drop...
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    enjoy game xmas.

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    Hello Friends

    Hey Meg :giggle: :fingersx: Yep, hearing and deaf are member here.That's good for them. You foun me here lolz. I finally back here. hugs, sis:ty:
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    Hello Friends

    Many thanks to Everyones!! If u are member of tagdeaf? Would u add me at and Yes ofc I really enjoying here,Tagdeaf and myspace too. I know alex as Admin's owner of and tagdeaf too. He's wonderful man!!!:cool: :ty:
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    Hello Friends

    Hi sunshine1 Hi sunshine1...nice to meet u,too!!:o
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    Merry Christmas and eye n.y007

    Hi all, Do u have any plan for eve christmas,merry mas,eve ny or big parties for Jan 1,2007??? My b/f has work for holidays. I stay home. We will leaving to South California next week for his family's opening gifts and dinner too. I hope all of u will pleasing with your family or friends...
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    Hello Friends

    Koala and angel Hi angel and koala, I know two of u from tagddeaf. Yup ofc..I'm back!!:ily:
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    Hello Friends

    Coffee Crazy What? I am back here again from my old username is angel62 for two yrs ago. I finally back here,tagdeaf and myspace too.:fingersx:
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    Hello Friends

    Hello deaf/hoh pplz, Do u know me from My username of Tmddeaf. I finally back here.. My ex username is angel62.It's not work. My new username is tmddeaf1962 here only. Tmddeaf