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  1. sappy05

    Eric Bischoff IS BACK!!!

    WCW wont come back, jeez its no longer good
  2. sappy05

    new at, anyway Anyone likes ny mets?

    naw its not true, they r tied 3-3 in series so shh :)
  3. sappy05

    new at, anyway Anyone likes ny mets?

    ur jealous i understand, oh yeah look like phillies dont need abreu anymore since phillies r on fire and finally have winning record and 2 1/2 games back of wildcard race
  4. sappy05

    hi new member from brooklyn, NY

    thanks kffie! ha :stupid:
  5. sappy05

    hi new member from brooklyn, NY

    hey everyone im bruce, am 19, gallaudet student, heard alot abt this post so here am i :-D
  6. sappy05

    new at, anyway Anyone likes ny mets?

    heard alot abt this forum thru farewell65 my friend and others so i figured it out n decided to join this ha anyway anyone likes new york mets? if do reply here! LETS GO METS! i predict in world series METS vs TIGERS, mets win in 6 whooo :fingersx: