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  1. wildkevin1977

    Bonjour des gens, je suis nouveau à ce site Web

    Hello fellow, I'm newbie here and giving ya'll a shout to say "Hello!" Hello folks!! How it's going with you people? Hope it's all well with you guys.... I'm just killing time before hitting the sack.
  2. wildkevin1977

    I have a friend who needs a prayers from's for her dog Simba.

    Yeah she may refuse to accept another dog, as they say "Another dog cannot replace Simba's place." I still feel the same for my former dog, I can't love another dog as much I loved her. I still miss her althought I do love my 2 doggies now... but not much as I loved my former dog.
  3. wildkevin1977

    Bonjour des gens, je suis nouveau à ce site Web

    Hope that is true.... I do know several of deafies from where I was raised up at. But they're uneducate and not working. I find myself in that crowd strange, everytime I talk to them about something they seem to be ignorant and I don't like ignorant people. So I've stopped seeing them and join...
  4. wildkevin1977

    I have a friend who needs a prayers from's for her dog Simba.

    What kind of dog is it? If there is nothing wrong with it then maybe it's time to let it go and not suffering anymore. In fact We own an Italian Greyhound, he is currently at age 18 he does have health problem such as heart condition, he would cough and wheezing. He is also deaf and partly...
  5. wildkevin1977

    Bonjour des gens, je suis nouveau à ce site Web

    À quel point pouvez-vous fluent en français?
  6. wildkevin1977

    Here comes another good looking gay deaf guy from Florida

    Hello guys, My name is Kevin and I am in South Florida, and yes I am gay and pretty proud of it. I am 28 years old well turning 29 in December (time to write living will?? :deal: just kidding). Well guys hollar back to me if you guys want to.
  7. wildkevin1977

    Bonjour des gens, je suis nouveau à ce site Web

    Boy this forum is pretty quiet.... Well the REAL reason I join this forum board is because I think Alex the Administrator is a good looking guy :jaw:
  8. wildkevin1977

    Bonjour des gens, je suis nouveau à ce site Web

    Thank you guys..... :zzz:
  9. wildkevin1977

    Bonjour des gens, je suis nouveau à ce site Web

    Hello people, I'm new to this website, I am deaf as well.... but do not have deaf friends. Isn't that sad? Well partly is my fault because I was raised around hearing people and every time I see deaf in crowd I act like I am hearing as well. But here am I! :ugh2:
  10. wildkevin1977

    Resume Help!

    That will depend on what job you are looking for, if you are applying for something beside serving food or fast food then do not put that on your Resume. Also you said that you worked for short period which won't look good on your resume, they will think that you are not reliable person.