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  1. kias_h

    Single Again

    An Aussie! How exciting! I'm from Sydney.. well, I'm in NZ for the time being. Anyway, I just wanted to say that sometimes it takes something bad so that later on you can realise you've got something good. All the best Sherrie =))
  2. kias_h

    Deaf chat

    Is there really no place on IRC like AllDeaf? A channel/server for mostly deaf people?
  3. kias_h

    Cat Beaten to Deat, Teenage Boys Accused

    Wow.. someone like Heath does something so young and is still held accountable when he's an adult by some of you guys. I guess people might have difficulty accepting that people change as they progress through life. Heath sees things much differently now. Will anyone get angry at me if I...
  4. kias_h

    Anyone fan of World Cup 2006?

    Be nice if it was inspired by a true story.. lol The Brazil Aus & Japan Croatia games are tomorrow night! I'll be watching.. Hope you enjoy the games!
  5. kias_h

    Heaven and Hell...

    Hi Teresh Unlike me, you're not trying to force your belief on anyone? Interesting. I'd like to know how you don't force your beliefs while I do. Even in the message that you tell me I force beliefs you said: By-the-by: if there can't be two truths, and if Christians believe in their truth...
  6. kias_h

    "I admit" Part 6 *

    I admit that I had a bad day the other day and I was walking home and kicked a random stick. But it wasn't a stick, it was a half dried doggy poop. I'll also admit that it's harder to clean poop off the top of your shoes than it is on the bottom!
  7. kias_h

    Heaven and Hell...

    I suppose if you're in the minority you must be wrong. You'll probably find that the majority you're talking of hasn't even looked at the possibility of hell. Does that mean it doesn't exist? Don't you find it pointless to argue with someone about something that you believe cannot be proven...
  8. kias_h

    Heaven and Hell...

    Sorry to upset you =) But I wish you the best. We'll agree to disgree.
  9. kias_h

    Heaven and Hell...

    Hi Teresh! I like the way you think - no joke. You challenge something before you give it credit it seems. I wish more people would do that. The KKK labelled themselves of God, but I wonder if they even read the bible to try challenge their beliefs. When people have to justify the...
  10. kias_h

    Heaven and Hell...

    G'day netrox, Well, would it be okay to say that there is no evidence to support that there isn't life after death? You'll have to let me know how you disproved that. There are many things in this world that people cannot explain. You know, when a compound is broken down you'll find atoms...
  11. kias_h

    Heaven and Hell...

    I wonder if not believing in hell is like eating chocolate and not expecting to get fat?? Mate.. that'd be bliss.. life without consequence. I'd have double chocolate chocoburgers soaked in chocolate overnight, with deepfried caramel icecream. Anyway.. I'm with you coloravalanche. =P
  12. kias_h

    Homophobia issue

    Look, it's quite simple. If you're a Christian, than this is already obvious, but if you're not then you'd be interested to know. Yes, homosexuality has been around for a long time. So has lying and murder and many other sinful things. But God loves us regardless of what we do in our life...
  13. kias_h

    Anyone fan of World Cup 2006?

    Aussie Aussie Aussie! =) It is just before Australia v Brazil at the next World Cup Group game. Harry Kewell goes into the Australian changing room to find all his teammates looking a bit glum. "What's up?" he asks. "Well, we're having trouble getting motivated for this game. :sadwave: We...
  14. kias_h

    NZSL - where are you!

    mmm... How do you PM??
  15. kias_h

    NZSL - where are you!

    Hi everyone.. Thanks for the warm welcome. Wow.. I wasn't even expecting a reply lol. What am I looking for? I guess some friends that I can sign with. Well, try learn sign from anyway =P Thanks Miss-Delectable.. I'ma try contact her. ! Kias :)
  16. kias_h

    NZSL - where are you!

    I'm a hearing person interested in learning New Zealand SL and the culture. I learnt some basic Auslan in Australia and just moved to NZ (Hamilton). I'm having a lot of trouble finding a deaf community here... I don't smell, and I do have MSN! Maybe someone can say g'day?? =))