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  1. W

    Where to learn ASL: Collin College vs Dallas County Community College

    I grew up with a profound/severe hearing loss. I really struggled, but was kept away from the Deaf community. I wanted nothing to do with my hearing loss, until my son was also born with a similarly progressive hearing loss. I have since embraced this previously unknown part of myself and am...
  2. W

    Best Martial Arts Style for people with LVAS?

    What would be the best martial arts style for someone with LVAS (a condition which a bump to the head can result in further hearing loss)? I don't want to keep him in a bubble, but perhaps there are some forms of martial arts that would be less risky?
  3. W

    Anyone have malformed cochleas?

    Does anyone have malformed cochleas without enlarged vestibular aqueducts? This type of malformation is often called, Mondini dysplasia, cochlear dysplasia, or Mondini-type cochlear malformation. I would love to know the following: 1. What does your audiogram look like? 2. Has your...