Search results

  1. R

    Gally dorms

    So I am going to Gally this year, and just wanted to know which freshman dorm is the worst/best?
  2. R

    CSUN, NTID, Gally?

    CSUN, NTID, Gally, which is the best? I'm interested in writing or teaching majors, in your experience which colleges do you like/dislike? And why? I'd appreciate any help!
  3. R

    RIT experiences?

    Hey everybody, I'm a deaf junior in high school, I need some help in finding out info about RIT/NTID, like pros and cons, and what your major was. I visited Gally once, waaayy too scary for a country girl like me! Any stories about your experiences will help! By the way what is CSUN? I've...
  4. R

    New to AD

    Hi, I'm new to AD, and so far I really like it here! It is so cool that deafies can get together like this, hearing people too. I'm really glad I found this website!