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  1. snoflkz

    I need help too!!!

    Hello! I am taking a class in college and for a project I was asked to interview Deaf people and find out their views on interpreters - sooooo........ If any Deaf people would participate in my survey, I would be greatful! Just copy/paste the questions onto your own reply, and type away! Thanks...
  2. snoflkz

    I need help!!!

    I am in desperate need of an interview with a deaf person for my midterm project for school - it wouldn't be more than 15 or 20 questions long, so if you are interested, PLEASE post a reply!! Or, if you are interested, check my other posts that say "Survey for Deaf People" or "Views on...
  3. snoflkz

    do interpreters care about you?

    I'm just curious, since I am studying to be an interpreter, how Deaf people feel about interpreters? Tell me everything you think, from how you think they feel about you, to what you feel about them, how much you think they make, are they in it just for the money, etc. Be detailed!! I'm using...
  4. snoflkz


    Hello! I am taking a class in college and for a project I was asked to interview Deaf people and find out their views on interpreters - sooooo........ If any Deaf people would participate in my survey, I would be greatful! Just copy/paste the questions onto your own reply, and type away...
  5. snoflkz


    (PS - I've posted this survey two other times and haven't gotten any responses - I would REALLYappreciate even just ONE response!! Thank you!!) Hello to all - first I would like to introduce myself. My name is Eryka and I am currently an ITP student (Interpreter Training Program). I am taking...
  6. snoflkz

    Survey For Deaf People - Views On Interpreters

    Hello to all - first I would like to introduce myself. My name is Eryka Snow and I am currently an ITP student (Interpreter Training Program). I am taking a class entitled "Role of the Interpreter" at Cincinnati State in Ohio and we were asked to do an interview of deaf people to find out their...
  7. snoflkz

    Survey for Deaf People

    Hello to all - first I would like to introduce myself. My name is Eryka Snow and I am currently an ITP student (Interpreter Training Program). I am taking a class entitled "Role of the Interpreter" at Cincinnati State in Ohio and we were asked to do an interview of deaf people to find out...
  8. snoflkz

    Should we establish a deaf village, town, or city?

    Please don't be offended!! This question is my topic for a reaction paper I have to write for college in my "Orientation to Deafness" class. It is not intended to offend!! Your reactions will be very insightful to me in writing my reaction paper. Thanks! :werd: