Search results

  1. SaSSy BaBe

    SEC Uncovers Ponzi Scheme Targeting Deaf Investors

    SEC Uncovers Ponzi Scheme Targeting Deaf Investors CRIME, SEC, PONZI SCHEME, LAWSUITS, CORPORATE FRAUD, BILLIONS COUPONS, MARVIN COOPER, MADOFF Posted By: Bertha Coombs | CNBC Reporter | 19 Feb 2009 | 02:45 PM ET The Securities and Exchange Commission obtained a court order...
  2. SaSSy BaBe

    question for you..

    Hence my request, where do all the intelligent deaf people meet at? none at, etc... what s happening in this deaf world? why are they hiding? why?
  3. SaSSy BaBe

    Adventure Racing, Triathon, etc....

    Hi Everybody, Does anyone participates Mountain biking, Adventure Racing, Triathon, etc?? the main reason why i asked because i dont see alot of ppl like us to do actually participates the challenger sports...
  4. SaSSy BaBe

    Feedback for DOS Brand New Website...

    Please check this Site out.. - Home which is brand new website and tell me what do you think of this site? Getting feedbacks and suggestions which is greatly appreciated whichI designed that logo and the site..
  5. SaSSy BaBe

    anyone do Hard Core / Endurance Training???

    Hi, am curious how many of you do the hard core or high endurance training of weightlifting , cycling, etc??
  6. SaSSy BaBe

    Brand Newbie here...

    Hi Everyone, AM brand newbie at this site.. i was recommended by good friend of mine abt this site.. ought to check it out and see if i like it.. hope i do..
  7. SaSSy BaBe

    Deaflympics in Salt Lake City, UT

    HI Everyone!!! Am brand newbie at this site... am wondering how many of ya'll guys will be going to Deaflympics in Feb 1-11th in Salt Lake City, UT?? IT would be the most exciting and interesting to interact with Interntaional Deaf PPL with International culture....