Search results

  1. T

    Would you use a product that speaks and prints speech?

    Hiya folks I want to find out if people would be interested in a device that not only speaks what you input (through images or text), but also displays (in text or images) what is said by a person who has trained the unit for 5-15 minutes. How would you feel about such a product? What...
  2. T

    VRS for on-site jobs?

    I was wondering what people thought of the idea of having VRS services expand into doing on-site jobs. In other words, a person with a video phone goes into a real-estate agent's office, sits down with the agent, calls the VRS relay service, sets the video phone on the desk, and has the...
  3. T

    Howdy, Howdy, Howdy!

    There used to be a Gary Larsen cartoon of a bunch of vultures in a desert gathered around something, and all you could see was a pair of cowboy boots sticking out at one side of the group. But one vulture was standing up straight wearing a cowboy hat and saying to his buddies "hey, everybody...