Recent content by zilledfp23

  1. Z

    Are you OUT ?

    I'm 19 and I'm out since I was 14 it was kinda hard for my dad's family to accept but they did. I'm pretty proud of who I am and have no reason to hide it
  2. Z

    The Sexuality Spectrum Test

    You scored -38 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight) You are mainly homosexual, but you have a few heterosexual qualities. You much prefer the same sex, but you have a mild interest in the opposite sex. While you would jump at the opportunity to...
  3. Z

    How Gay Are You?

    56% Gay hahahahaha
  4. Z

    For Butch/Femme

    I'm not girly but I also don't act like a man I'm just myself ^^ If I go somewhere and it's required to be all girly then I'll dress all girly but usually I'm into jeans, sneakers and jeans hahahaha
  5. Z

    How do you tell that a person is gay or lesbian?

    :DYou got to pay attention at them Sometimes they seem pretty straight but they are lesbians. When i see a girl and I'm not sure if she's gay because she's all girly, I pay VERY CLOSE attention on the way she looks at another woman. I have an ex girlfriend who is a lipstick lesbian, I knew...
  6. Z

    Can someone who is severely deaf talk normally?

    deaf people can talk normally and for that it doesn't matter when they get deaf
  7. Z

    How do you tell that a person is gay or lesbian?

    Hmmm Sometimes people who look gay are straight. I have a friend who acts gay but he's actually straight. He said that he already kissed man to know how it feels but didn't like it. I also have another friend ( my best friend) who's a tomboy but she actually likes guys, she kissed girls...
  8. Z

    Hi Everyone

    I'm new here and I wish to make friends ^^ u can email me if you wish :wave: