Recent content by wolf-w

  1. wolf-w

    How Gay Are You?

    What that percentages??? I can't be gay with percentage: we are gay or not. Either else I'm gay like hetero. No queer in view about me. Do u understand?
  2. wolf-w

    I am proud of myself.

    You are right! it is similar for us, the deaf persons, in France... but one here respects the others with their cochlear implants . I prefre the hearing aids in all cases!
  3. wolf-w

    From a Frenchboy

    Thanks! Sunny in the USA? I'm going right away to the city for a walk. It's very sunny in Nantes! Nice to see you! Hope to find u again!!! :fingersx:
  4. wolf-w

    From a Frenchboy

    I'm coming to here for the first time with hope to communicate with you! :fingersx: Born deaf, I live in Nantes — in the west of France (Europe). I ignore what can I say more about me: ask me any questions. See you soon! :ty: