Recent content by urkayla01

  1. U

    Deaf Chat - Chattanooga Tn

    I live in Cleveland. I would love to check it out. I am hearing though. Is that okay? I just want to meet deaf people and practice signing. Kayla
  2. U

    New Girl here..

    Hi! I'm Kayla. I'm looking for a deaf girl to be friends with. I want to learn ASL. I really just want to broaden my life experiences. I have many interests too! Like volleyball, piano, dancing, eating, card games...
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    Looking for someone to practice ASL with

    Anyone live in TN? I'd love to learn and practice ASL. kayla
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    Fingernails and toenails

    In the summer, or any time my toes are showing in public, I always have colored nail polish on my toes. I usually leave my fingernails plain because it doesn't last with how much I use them i guess. I do them myself. Only on holidays will I add a design. Usually I just paint them one solid...
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    So like, where do deaf people hang out?

    I didn't take a ASL class but I want to learn to sign and I definitely want to make some deaf friends. Actually, a tv show is what inspired me to pursue this. How would find deaf people in my city? Thanks, you guys are really cool. Kayla