Recent content by trekman21

  1. T

    anyone know how to......

    how to find an deaf or signed wedding officants in colorado let me know i appecate it smile kc
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    The "New" CEO

    oh man i wished that was me, an delivery boy hehehe extra money
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    Deaf and hearing couple!

    hi everyone no plm im deaf and my francee is hearing we planning to get married soon we along fine she is training to become interpeter some day we love each other so much so i m sure we will be together long time hopeally smile
  4. T

    CI soon...CI friendly only please

    yep i can hear it before and still do just w HA but not full range of music just low notes but i recently stopped using HA to learn sound with CI because aduie said so
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    CI soon...CI friendly only please

    hi there i recently got ci 1 week ago it was intersting but one sad thing i cant hear music yet it white noise to me but beinning to understand words like my name family and my francee's name i hope i can hear music soon because i really want to hear it thanks
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    Family stickers

    hi there lol i like it too lol i work for sign company we can make that sinckers if u like one let me know smile trekman