Recent content by TickleMeElmo

  1. TickleMeElmo

    A Funny, Love Story!

    lol u funny to tweety.. smile
  2. TickleMeElmo

    A Funny, Love Story!

    hey daddy! thanks hehez
  3. TickleMeElmo

    A Funny, Love Story!

    yes ofc I know you.. u know me right??
  4. TickleMeElmo

    A Funny, Love Story!

    thanks ! ofc I am cherish my goddess!!! hehez
  5. TickleMeElmo

    A Funny, Love Story!

    hi this is Elmo I just join this member from my babe Chick.... oh yeah about her post... When I left from Utah to Caif to see my babe Chick.. there kill my ass to rode on Greyhound so I wanted chick kissed my ass to made feel better so she did when I see her hehez... when I arrive in Calif...