Recent content by sugaree663

  1. S

    New relationship w/ deafie, pet peeve

    thanks, that makes me feel better
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    New relationship w/ deafie, pet peeve

    Thanks Lucia, I really like the idea about telling him that scolding the dog makes me sad, it really does make me sad, good suggestion. And I will definitely be advocating for the dog out of the bedroom from now on. Also, I agree with you fully that no one should be forced to choose between a...
  3. S

    New relationship w/ deafie, pet peeve

    well, as far as the dog goes, I like the dog, even if the scolding never stopped, I could deal with that. I would never ask anyone to choose between their dog and me! He rents a room in a house where the dog's owner lives, so if it got to a point where we wanted to live together, the dog would...
  4. S

    New relationship w/ deafie, pet peeve

    Thanks for the hug, Like what questions? everything is going well, I'm 37 and he's 48 and neither of us has ever felt like this in a relationship before, so right. What kinds of issues should we be addressing now do you think?
  5. S

    New relationship w/ deafie, pet peeve

    after the note, he put the dog out of the bedroom and closed the door!
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    New relationship w/ deafie, pet peeve

    fair enough bottesini, I guess what I'm trying to get across is that it's not his voice that is grating, it's when he uses his voice to yell, especially when it's close to my ear, it causes physical pain, this would be true of anyone's voice, deaf or not. I love his speaking voice as well as...
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    New relationship w/ deafie, pet peeve

    Thanks for the input everyone. I was thinking about it last night and two ideas came to me. The first was that I should just tell him, like I would a hearing guy or any other person I had this issue with, because otherwise, I will start to avoid going to his house, and I don't want that. A...
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    New relationship w/ deafie, pet peeve

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this site and came here because I'm a hearing woman in a new relationship with a deaf man (he asked me to be his girlfriend on Valentine's day after we were dating a couple of months). He is the first deaf person I have ever known. I met him at the bowling alley where...