Recent content by Skywalker

  1. S

    Trauma and Discovery of Deafness

    Shel That was some good stuff. All kids have these defining times and it just proves that we as parents have to always be their advocate because if we not there for them who is? This made me cry not because I felt sorry for her but because she was so alone and no one should have to be so alone.
  2. S

    Train the Trainer, Please!

    Thanks for answering. I agree about the smaller classes. I tutor kids sometimes one on one or two on one and man it makes a huge difference in how the student responds to the lessons. I realize we will never get class size that small but over 16 students in one class is too much for one teacher...
  3. S

    Train the Trainer, Please!

    I agree with you Pete about teachers need to do their job. period the end. Quit bitching about not makeing enough money and how hard it is to teach the youth today. I am sick of hearing it. I was a problem kid. I always got in trouble and hardly ever came to school cuz I hated the teachers. I...
  4. S

    Train the Trainer, Please!

    Your kids are faced with discrimination? My son is mixed cuz my husband is black and I am white so I am hoping he wont face the same kind of discrimination here in MD. __________________ Shel90 My kids are discriminated against and it kills me. It's like you can do just about anything to me...
  5. S

    Train the Trainer, Please!

    I have been reading how angry deaf people are at we who hear...and no wonder when you guys are treated like you are not there. I can under stand why there is so much hatred toward the hearing because of their ignorance and just plain meaness but why is there so much anger within the deaf...
  6. S

    Train the Trainer, Please!

    You didn't go off course. What you say is great but I am sad. Don't get me wrong I hated high school and did not do well (not because I was bored but because I was stoned. I went to HS in the 70's). I just think teachers can put a little more effort into reaching the kids. WHat classes are you...
  7. S

    Train the Trainer, Please!

    Sugarpuff, What did they teach? and why do you think they wouldn't teach proper english?
  8. S

    Train the Trainer, Please!

    I love movies too. All kinds that make you think about things that you have never thought about before. I just watched the movie "The Secret Life of Words" Real sad but there were issues in there that I had not thought of or I saw it in a different light. Are you still taking classes? I am not...
  9. S

    Train the Trainer, Please!

    What made public school better? and you said that you had a good teacher that helped you in math. Did the other teachers NOT help you? and do you think you would have had a different outlook on school if they did. stupid question strike that one WHat would you have changed to make the classes...
  10. S

    Train the Trainer, Please!

    It helps a lot thanks. I will probably be moved next year to a different school and I hope to get more experience with Kids who are deaf. I am a little intimidated by learning ASL. I failed miserably at Spanish and my teacher told me I would never be good at any languages (even English). I would...
  11. S

    Train the Trainer, Please!

    Hi I am going to take Reba's advice. Advice is what I need right now. I would never lump anyone into anything. I don't think I said that and if I did I am truly sorry because I don't feel or think that way. I would only work with students who have some kind of learning problem such as trouble...
  12. S

    Train the Trainer, Please!

    Hi sorry I did not get back to you sooner, I was on a cross country trip to New Mexico. It was pretty fun! After I finish my schooling I will work with a team of teachers and parents (and child) to develop modifications in their general education classes to help faciliate learning. Sometimes...
  13. S

    Train the Trainer, Please!

    I don't get it? Oh I forgot to mention, I'm blonde too.