Recent content by skydiveal

  1. S

    Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq

    the key word here is DEGRADED........very old weapons..... no one denies sadam was a monster....but when he was invaded was the only time in his carreer he WASNT doing anything. george bush and tony blair are also monster monsters... 1. are iraqis safer now 2. are americans and english safer...
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    Lioness in zoo kills man who invoked God

    so the guy says 'God will save me, if he exists',and quite simply he wasnt saved. if you have faith then you wouldnt accept any "proof" that he didnt exist anyway, right!!!!!thats what faith is. but if you have a scientific mind then the only "proof" would come from the results of a scientific...
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    70,000 Beer cans in the house?!

    i dont understand !!!!! what was the problem???????
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    Hilarious Gangsta Style Assualt "Tactics"

    ok. i thought about this,maybe youre right about the vest....."a false sense of security is better than none at all."
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    Alien Head inside a Dead Duck

    what do you mean if you died, the government could come for you at anytime man,you got to be carefull out there.......if its not the government it could even be the aliens themselves....did you hear about their probe...
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    Deer gets inside house, attacks Ohio woman

    i once had a horse get in my house.....bloody thing was satanicly possesed as well....shit... i know just how she feels
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    Man severs penis to prove faithfulness

    i heard that when a penis gets reattached by surgeons it often doesnt work completely and even if it does the feeling isnt there....something to do with the nerves... i found it painfull just reading that.......its a shame they didnt get a statement from his wife about it......i can just...
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    Hilarious Gangsta Style Assualt "Tactics"

    but surely the feather duster makes a better weapon,i mean at least you can wave it right......
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    Hilarious Gangsta Style Assualt "Tactics"

    that is sooooo funny. in angola 1989 i met some of jonas savimbes merry men and a lot of them fought like that......although some of them were lying down and actually taking aim..the bastards...i havent laughed so hard in ages at that feather duster.....i mean WHAT!!!!!!....what was he...
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    the job interview

    so this guy goes for a job interview,hes sat there in the reception waiting and the person being interviewed before him comes out looking really upset. he says to him "man i just cant believe it ,the interview went really well untill the end and then the interviewer asked me if there was...
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    Ban TV commerical?

    ha ha ha ha ha ha oh that funny thats really funny..
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    almo supreme commander of the universe

    hi there my name is al i was looking for some friends and i found this website !!!!!! im about 70% deaf and i hate it,i hate it ,i hate hearing has been like this for 10 years and im just not getting used to it. i hate being deaf so much. depressed/lonely/isolated.