Recent content by Shooky

  1. S

    Were you born with a quirk or a plain simple soul?

    hey guys :) i know it is not always must be all true but its kind of fun nothing else but sometimes it match not always so don't take it that serious :) only for fun and if it is matched be happy in that especially if it was nice characteristics ;p
  2. S

    Were you born with a quirk or a plain simple soul?

    :) i love mine :) i'm number 6 cool one :) hope that everyone like it :)
  3. S

    Were you born with a quirk or a plain simple soul?

    Were you born with a quirk or a plain simple soul? Have fun with this fun personality prediction guide. IF you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of any month you are number 1. If you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th of any month then you are number 2. If you were born on...
  4. S

    What deafness has taught me

    i liked what u wrote .... it so amazing :) Good luck
  5. S

    Why did God pick people to be deaf?

    hiii there :) well u have asked a nice but hard questoin .... but it is nice to live our life asking our self why this happen and how .. maybe by living this way we can learn better in our life and try to be more perfect so we can be more staisfy with our self ... for your question why god pick...
  6. S

    hhhiiiii :) Need Help

    :) thanx :) and yes i know i'll do this use an earplug to have the feelings :) and thank u for welcoming me in this world :)
  7. S

    hhhiiiii :) Need Help

    hii everybody :) i'm new member :) and actually i'm studying speech-language and hearing therapy in Saudi Arabia :) and i need help if anyone can helpme please :) for my study :) and please don't misundertstande me :) because what i really want is i want to know the feelings of being deaf i...
  8. S

    Ask deaf people here

    hiii everyone :) well ... i'm a new member in this website :) and i just want to have some experiences from you and help me in my study :) i'm a student who is studying in speech-language and hearing therapy in saudia arabia :) and really i want from u :) to help if u don't mind and i'll...