Recent content by shake

  1. S


    thank you to everyone that has responded to my question. it is helping me a great deal with my paper and is helping me to have a small understanding of the deaf culture which i hope to broaden.
  2. S


    What percentage of the deaf community(that are fully capable of working, with no serious health issuse) works and what percentage takes ssi and what percentage floats back in forth? and Why?
  3. S

    minority or disability

    I am doing a research paper for sign language and i would like to know whether deaf people would rather be considered a minority like ethnic and religious groups and not recieve SSI or would deaf people rather recieve SSI with the stigma of having a disability?
  4. S


    I am doing a research paper on SSDI and I was wondering why a section of Deaf say that they do not have a disability but they still take SSDI? Any comments are helpful.