Recent content by RoyalGuard

  1. R

    Spoken English AND ASL, right?

    Wow. OK, that's a lot of info....THANKS THANKS THANKS! Here's a few things I'm darn sure of: (1) Learning ASL right away has got to be a good idea. (2) It's NOT a one-way-versus-another thing. The more languages/methods we learn, the better! (Thanks Reba, for noting that it's the...
  2. R

    Spoken English AND ASL, right?

    Wow. Seriously, wow. Thanks for your inputs! Not coming from a bilingual family, I don't know about the kinds of problems/opportunities that there are in learning multiple languages. I hadn't thought about how hard reading english could be if you had never heard it. The structure must...
  3. R

    Spoken English AND ASL, right?

    I'm confused about language education in the U.S. My month-old daughter is profoundly deaf, the 1st in my or my wife's families. I've gotten no clear answers as to the 'right', 'best', or even 'most common' route for teaching her to communicate with the deaf and hearing communities. As I...