Recent content by rnsxypapa3

  1. rnsxypapa3

    CLOUD iwrelay not just for VRS anymore

    ya could delete that hardware webcam and restart see if there is new kernel for this acer webcam.. or umm.. ubuntu 10.10?? dang my bro s acer webcam works so smooth?? ofc "cheese" could hackin the colors of webcam itself lol
  2. rnsxypapa3

    VRS software for Linux?

    does convo and iwrelay cloud works as convo to vp, or etc? just wonder that would be blast..
  3. rnsxypapa3

    3D desktop.

    compiz is free.. everybody agree? even beryl themes.. check kde and gnome plently to turn things out to be awesome OS as much yall like..
  4. rnsxypapa3

    Google to introduce PC operating system

    i would rather to install google os or chrome os in my 16gb flashdrive..(sigh) it might not be the leading OS in this world just keep that in yall mind.. Debian, Redhad/novell and OpenSuse is actually powerful OS all around check it out..
  5. rnsxypapa3

    Linux Ubuntu 9.04

    just make it alot easier on everybody.. yall don't need cd or dvd or maybe just flashdrive to install ubuntu.. you can hit up the WUBI installer from xp or window 7 it will install ubuntu for ya off the window 7 or xp.. easy.. and umm.. ubuntu has gnome version.. if you want kubuntu...
  6. rnsxypapa3

    VRS software for Linux?

    anyone tried LINPHONE? it works on any OS point to point.. even IP address from vp to Linphone.. try it..
  7. rnsxypapa3

    Triple boot OS

    nice... how about Tiger OSX? not that basic mac osx? btw I like the dreamscene of mac aquaize background animated better than Tiger OSX "frozen desktop background " and ubuntu I even can get dreamscene for ubuntu ;) known as adesk.. v16
  8. rnsxypapa3

    Link for Linux?

    what wrong with ubuntu? debian based distro? umm.. there's other called FREEOS which is window based free linux distro.. you might want to give a shot in virturalbox.. hmm?
  9. rnsxypapa3

    SIP-based VRS Providers

    ummm try LINPHONE works on xp, win7 and linux like ubuntu will that help? just add the sip addy... easy.. hope I help..
  10. rnsxypapa3


    hey foxac you can try check ubuntu forum for that wifi to work? it ought work somehow..if u need help with it PM me.. I could find some ways for ya
  11. rnsxypapa3

    CLOUD iwrelay not just for VRS anymore

    lol @ xgb.. umm..well. I totally agree with macfreak.. but I was told by cloud iwrelay that they are working hard on get the iwrelay/cloud to work directly to any VP point to point.. we ll see.. if so.. I"m sure everybody will be happy no matter linux, mac, and any microsoft...
  12. rnsxypapa3

    whats your linux

    check out.. it work on linux trust me.. all you need is to update the adobe flashplayer but they are not yet work for to any VP yet but they are working hard to make it work.. but VRS does work!! btw skype, to skype works. just like...
  13. rnsxypapa3

    whats your linux

    kubuntu dual boot with xp and win7.. and puppy lucid linux both based on debian check out.. has all linux distro you like to check out...
  14. rnsxypapa3

    whats your linux

    umm I have kubuntu 10.4 upgraded to 10.10 dual boot with window 7 and xp..yup triple boot. hmm.. dont ask dont tell lol..... also I use puppy linux in flash drive.. it does boot to any computers the best recognizable from any old to new computers to boot the flashdrive known as puppy...
  15. rnsxypapa3

    Running Video Phone software on Ubuntu

    VP for LINUX as UBUNTU.. Hey dudes.. glad you brought that up... sigh for 3 years I have been struggle to make these works under WINE.. umm yo @ chevy 57.. yeah yoy are good at posting other threads down here at I do enjoy your posts on other threads.. but.. umm...